Tag: anger

‘You Are too Sensitive’ Is a Lie: Here’s Why

‘You Are too Sensitive’ Is a Lie: Here’s Why

How many times have you been told by narcissists and their enablers that ‘you’re too sensitive’? If you’ve heard it often and wondering if you’re really the issue, you should think again. This is actually a classic gas lighting technique that works like a charm for these people. If you’re […]

5 Situations when It’s Best to Keep Your Mouth Shut

5 Situations when It’s Best to Keep Your Mouth Shut

Is someone looking to start something with you?-Here are 5 good reasons to choose silence and why it’s good for you! Indeed, there are a lot of situations when it’s very hard not to respond to someone when they’ve pushed your buttons. However, in such problematic instances, there’s not much […]

We Don’t Have to Agree on Everything to Be Friends

Did you know that there’s an International Day of Friendship which is celebrated on the 30th of July? It’s a celebratory day created by the UN and the goal is promote the importance of friendship in cultures worldwide. To this extent, the UN encourages groups, governments, and organizations to make […]

7 Things You Should Give Up To Be Truly Happy

Without doubt, throughout life, we are all searching for genuine happiness, but not everyone finds it. However, sometimes, we are unconsciously blocking happiness from our lives thanks to some of our choices and habits. Without doubt, life has its ups and downs and the trick is how you look at […]