Tag: better mood

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Probiotics

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Probiotics

Nowadays, we hear so much about probiotics and that they’re good for us, but do we know why? Probiotics are actually live microorganisms which can be acquired through certain foods or supplements. A rising number of studies indicate that the bacterial imbalance in our digestive system is associated with our […]

Astonishing Saffron Health Benefits: The Best from the Orient

Astonishing Saffron Health Benefits: The Best from the Orient

Did you know that saffron is the most expensive spice in the world with one pound costing between 500 and 5000 US dollars? This spice is very expensive because of its labor-intensive harvest method which further makes the production rather costly. The spice is hand-harvested from the saffron crocus flower […]