Tag: fatigue

People over 40 Should Work only 3 Days a Week, Experts Say

People over 40 Should Work only 3 Days a Week, Experts Say

According to Truth Theory, in a lot of countries, the earliest age for retirement is 60; however, newest research points out that the adequate age to stop working is two decades earlier! Namely, a recent Australian study indicates that people over the age of 40 perform optimally when they work […]

Here Is How to Detox Every Organ, Boost Your Immunity & never Be Sick or Tired again

How to Detox Each Organ To Never Be Sick or Tired Again

The number of people (especially young ones), who are being diagnosed with chronic diseases like autoimmune conditions and cancer, is on the rise. Nowadays, we are constantly attacked by environmental toxins from all sides and they can damage our genes and cause numerous health problems. Genetic health problems may also […]