Tag: healthy joints

Healing the Body Naturally with Homemade Chicken Broth

Healing the Body Naturally with Homemade Chicken Broth

Did you know that bone broth is one of the most potent healing foods today, especially the chicken one? Abundant with numerous nutrients such as gelatin, glycine, and collagen, chicken bone broth protects and heals the lining of the gut, betters the health of the skin, and enhances joint function. […]

Did You Know? Lemon Peels May Eliminate Joint Ache for Good

How To Treat Joint Pain With Lemon Peel

Lemons are rich in vitamin C and could be one of the best natural ways to strengthen the immunity. They are rich in other vital nutrients and antioxidants that can help avert colds and the flu, especially during the cold season. Lemons can be an excellent natural remedy in the […]