Before too long, we may be able to purchase lozenge that will rebuild our tooth enamel and whiten our pearls. Of course, this will only happen if this team of researchers from the University of Washington succeeds in their clinical trials and makes these lozenges commercially available. Trial Starts on […]
Tag: healthy teeth
Young Influencers Filling Down their Teeth for Perfect Smile’: Dentists Warn They’ll Need Dentures by the Age of 40
Having the perfect teeth seems to be a rite of passage on the influencer planet. Many internet celebs like Tana Mongeau, Jeffree Star, and Gigi Gorgeous all did a smile makeover when their careers blossomed. Now, smaller-scale influencers are also sharing their experiences about flying abroad to get a smile […]
Coconut Oil Is Better than any Toothpaste According to Researchers
In a recent study by the Athlone Institute of Technology in Ireland, scientists compared the effects of coconut oil and toothpaste and concluded that there are some advantages of choosing coconut oil over regular toothpaste. Even though you don’t necessarily need to ditch toothpaste and use only coconut oil, adding […]
Scientists Work on Developing a Hydrogel for Tooth Enamel Regeneration
Despite being the hardest material in the body, dental enamel is unable to regenerate itself when it wears off due to overconsumption of acidic foods and drinks, cavities or excessive brushing. But, dental enamel regeneration may be possible in the nearest future. According to Ostrow Professor, Janet Moradian-Oldak, she’s been […]
Stop Eating Dairy Today: Here Is How It Affects the Hormones
According to statistics, Americans consume 630 pounds of dairy on a yearly basis, whether in the form of yogurt, milk, ice cream or cheese. All types of milk, whether from humans, goats or cows has a natural amount of different hormones, including progesterone and estrogen. As hormones such as estrogen […]
Simple DIY Mouthwash To Remove All Plaque from Your Teeth
We are often told that if we do not brush our teeth at least two times per day or after every meal, our risk of oral health problems will be much higher. And, dentists have all the right saying that we need to brush our teeth more often! Namely, in […]
Lemon Essential Oil Morning “Trick”: Activates the Metabolism, Balances the pH & Reverses Inflammation
Nowadays, people have been drinking warm lemon water in the morning because of the numerous health advantages it offers. Some of them include better digestion, lower chances for heartburn, liver stimulation, and a balanced pH. However, drinking it in excess amounts can be bad for the health of the teeth, […]
Rub These Oils On Your Gums And Teeth To Improve Your Oral Health
Essential oils have been used for centuries and newest clinical studies are finally showing their efficacy and safety. Nowadays, there is a lot of talk about essential oils and their health benefits. They are claimed to have the power to fight off colds and flu to treating different types of skin […]
New Toothpaste Is Leaving Dentists without Work
Kazue Yamagishi, a Japanese researcher, according to Healthy Holistic Living, is the brains behind the revolutionary personal hygiene invention, i.e. toothpaste that has some pretty astonishing characteristics and it is claimed to be the toothpaste that it will leave dentists without work. Believe it or not, this product is able […]
How to Get Rid of Bad Breath, Tartar & Plaque with One Ingredient
Did you know that oil pulling is one of the easiest and most effective natural remedies ever? It is a technique comprised of swishing a tbsp of some oil like coconut oil for 20 minutes. It has been present for more than 1,000 of years and it is among the […]