Tag: natural remedies

Home Remedies to Help with Tuberculosis Symptoms

Home Remedies to Help with Tuberculosis Symptoms

Tuberculosis is an infectious illness which is triggered by bacteria known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In most cases, it affects the lungs, even though it may influence other body parts too. It’s air-transmitted during an infected person’s cough, sneeze, or through some other types of germ spreading. Nowadays, according to alternative […]

5 Beneficial Natural Treatment Options for Arthritis Management

5 Beneficial Natural Treatment Options for Arthritis Management

In addition to conventional arthritis therapy, there are also natural methods for arthritis management. Unfortunately, CDC statistics shows that more than 50 million American citizens have arthritis or every 1 in 5 people older than 18 have some type of arthritis. This condition is manifested by aching and stiff joints […]

The 8 Best Healing Herbs According to the Bible

The 8 Best Healing Herbs According to the Bible

For thousands of years, people have been using healing herbs for their medicinal and culinary advantages. This being said, in today’s article, we’re going to talk about some  of the most powerful herbs according to the Bible and what their uses were and what their uses are today. According to […]