Tag: oral bacteria

White as never before: DIY All-Natural Teeth Whitening Powder

How To Make Your Own All-Natural Teeth Whitening Powder

Like most people do, you probably also want a bright and healthy smile and white teeth. But, getting your teeth professionally whitened is not necessarily affordable and the over-the-counter whitening creams do not always provide the wanted results. Plus, these bleaching products are often filled with strong chemicals that can […]

Oil Pulling- A Habit Which Can Transform Your Health?!

Oil Pulling- A Habit Which Can Transform Your Health?!

Have you heard about oil pulling? Do you practice it regularly or not? If you do not, you are definitely missing out a lot! This is an ancient Ayurvedic natural cure for detoxification and it can significantly better your oral health. When you do oil pulling, you are using pure […]

2 Best Essential Oils for Healthy Teeth & Gums

For centuries, essential oils have been used for numerous different purposes and nowadays, there are a lot of scientific studies proving their effectiveness and beneficial healing properties. Besides being used for aromatherapy, many people use essential oils as cures for a long list of health problems, including the oral health, […]