Tag: plastic pollution

IKEA Plans to Switch from Styrofoam to Mushroom-Made Packaging

IKEA Plans to Switch from Styrofoam to Mushroom-Made Packaging

Unfortunately, nowadays, almost all of the retail products we purchase are packaged and almost half of this packaging is plastic and Styrofoam too. Although packing in plastic has its benefits like lighter weight, durability, longer shelf-life, and convenience, plastic takes a long time to degrade and thus, it causes damage […]

Will Milkmen Make a Comeback in London after Millenials Order Milk in Glass Bottles to Help Reduce Plastic Pollution?

Milkmen Return as Millennials Bid to Cut Plastic Waste

Milkmen and milkwomen are coming back in London after millenials started using glass milk bottles in the effort to reduce plastic waste. Younger customers, amidst the growing concerns over the immense plastic waste and the problems it’s been causing, are looking for glass bottles of milk rather than plastic ones. […]

For a Better Tomorrow: The Biggest Ocean Cleanup in the World Has Begun

The Biggest Ocean Cleanup In The World Has Officially Begun

Unfortunately, every year, more than 12 million tonnes of plastics goes into our oceans and damages sea life and the entire ecosystem. Estimates shown that in the Pacific Ocean alone, there are around 80,000 tonnes of plastic which is mostly concentrated in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch- a big “island” […]