Tag: plastic waste

Will Milkmen Make a Comeback in London after Millenials Order Milk in Glass Bottles to Help Reduce Plastic Pollution?

Milkmen Return as Millennials Bid to Cut Plastic Waste

Milkmen and milkwomen are coming back in London after millenials started using glass milk bottles in the effort to reduce plastic waste. Younger customers, amidst the growing concerns over the immense plastic waste and the problems it’s been causing, are looking for glass bottles of milk rather than plastic ones. […]

Wake Up Images of How We’re Destroying Our Environment

Wake Up Images of How We’re Destroying Our Environment

Without doubt, as humans, we have a major impact on our planet and our environment. But, even in the midst of mounting data of how we’re harming our earth, most people remain indifferent to the changes happening around them and don’t do anything to minimize their negative influence. With this […]

‘Sea of Plastic’ Found in the Caribbean Is Choking Wildlife

‘Sea of Plastic’ Found in the Caribbean Is Choking Wildlife

A photographer caught the disastrous damage being inflicted to our oceans from piles of plastic and Styrofoam near a Caribbean island. This sea of plastic proves the realness of the problem with plastic pollution, experts indicate. Caroline Power, who specializes in underwater photography, dedicated her career to increase awareness about […]