Tag: pollinators

10 Perfect Reasons to Grow Marigolds in Your Veggie Garden

10 Perfect Reasons to Grow Marigolds in Your Veggie Garden

French marigolds are amazing in planters, ornamental beds, or hanging baskets, but they also look amazing in veggie gardens. They’re in fact one of the best flowers to plant near your veggie garden. These marigolds aren’t Calendula or the African marigold. These are French marigolds and can do a lot […]

Bees: The most Invaluable Species?

Bees Voted To Be The Most Important Living Beings On Earth

Unfortunately, the decline in bee population in the past decade has been concerning environments and governments worldwide. This doesn’t come as a surprise if we take into account these species’ importance for the human wellbeing and the ecosystems. Many refer to them as the most invaluable species on the planet […]