Tag: supplements

The Best Natural Ways to Alleviate Herpes Symptoms

The Best Natural Ways to Alleviate Herpes Symptoms

Herpes is one of the most common STDs and this virus can stay dormant inside one’s immunity for a lifetime. Periodically, it can trigger blisters which burst and form cold sores or ulcers before they heal. When not treated, the sores will usually last for a week or two. They […]

Magnesium Deficiency: 5 Symptoms You Must never Ignore

5 Warning Signs Of Magnesium Deficiency You Shouldn’t Ignore

Despite being essential for more than 300 bodily processes, magnesium is a commonly lacked nutrient. Believe it or not, statistics shows that around 80 percent of the American population is magnesium deficient. Unfortunately, this nutrient deficiency causes a lot of unpleasant symptom so it is vital to treat it timely. […]

7 Essential Vitamins You Need After Age 40

7 Essential Vitamins You Need To Take After Age 40

Without doubt, nutrients, including minerals and vitamins are our best allies infighting off diseases associated with age. In order to acquire these nutrients in the best way possible, we need to follow a healthy diet. This is especially the case for people over 40 because this is the period when […]

Vitamin D Protects Against Colds and Flu, Study Confirms

Japanese doctors claim that the risk of flu in children can be lowered by 50 percent if they take vitamin D supplements on a regular basis. Under normal conditions, our bodies can naturally produce vitamin D through our exposure to direct sunlight. Vitamin D can be more powerful than anti-viral […]