Tag: teeth

Four Surprising Things that Your Teeth Reveal About You

Four Surprising Things that Your Teeth Reveal About You

Our teeth are our “business cards”. They can reveal much about our social status, hygiene, and health.  A pearly white smile is often associated with wealth, care, and health. Our teeth can also tell a lot about our gender, personality, age, etc.  Sometimes, our teeth can also reveal some of […]

New Toothpaste Is Leaving Dentists without Work

New Toothpaste Is Leaving Dentists without Work

Kazue Yamagishi, a Japanese researcher, according to Healthy Holistic Living, is the brains behind the revolutionary personal hygiene invention, i.e. toothpaste that has some pretty astonishing characteristics and it is claimed to be the toothpaste that it will leave dentists without work. Believe it or not, this product is able […]