Tag: vitamins

5 Whole Foods that Minimize & Clear Pores Naturally

5 Whole Foods that Minimize & Clear Pores Naturally

As seen on One Green Planet, a lot of people often face problems with enlarged or clogged pores from time to time. Moreover, even though store-bought scrubs, pore strips, and facial masks can provide  relief and clear the pores temporarily, they do not necessarily address the cause of the clogging […]

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Drink Beer! No.4 Is Crucial!

Did you know that beer is one of the oldest and most consumed alcoholic drinks that people used to drink with specific meals, especially in north America and Europe? What’s more, this beverage is abundant in vitamin B and protein, unlike wine, even though they share the same antioxidants. As […]

The Boiled Egg Diet: Lose 20 Pounds in just 2 Weeks

The Boiled Egg Diet: Lose 20 Pounds in just 2 Weeks

Without doubt, one of the most popular diets these days is the one based on consuming boiled eggs and according to people who swear by it, it has successfully helped them shed up to 24 pounds within only two weeks! If we take into consideration that overweight and obesity are […]