Avoid Ginger If You Have Any of These Conditions!

Ginger is a flowering plant and considered by many to be a potent superfood. Abundant in essential nutrients and bioactive compounds, it should definitely be a part of your diet if good mental and physical health and well-being is on your mind. This plant has a long history of being used as a natural remedy and its usage dates back to ancient China. The plant’s rhizome is a root which is incorporated in cooking and for preparation of natural remedies.

Ginger therefore makes a beneficial alternative for over-the-counter meds when it comes to treating common diseases, including colds and the flu, inflammation, digestive issues, and heart illness. However, though it can be healing, there are cases when you should avoid it. This being said, in today’s article we will present three instances when you should not consume ginger.

Come on, let us find out more…

3 Times When You Should Not Consume Ginger

  1. You have a blood disorder

Hemophilia is a type of genetic disorder during which the capacity of the blood to clot is minimized and even a small injury could result in the person bleeding excessively. Ginger is known for its ability to boost the blood flow, which is good for people who are diabetics, suffer from Raynaud’s illness or are obese. However, in hemophiliacs, ginger can overstimulate the blood flow and increase the risk of serious and even deadly bleeding out.

  • Underweight individuals

Ginger can encourage weight loss and this is highly beneficial for people who need/want to lose weight, diabetics, and those with hypoglycemia. In addition to helping with weight loss, it also has the power to reduce the lipid levels. But, for people with a low BMI and those who are undernourished, suppressing the appetite and encouraging the removal of fat can elevate the risk of hair loss, reduction in muscle mass, menstrual problems, and vitamin deficiencies. This being said, if your doctor has advised you to gain weight, it is best to avoid ginger.

  • Specific meds

Ginger can change how specific meds react in the body, especially meds prescribed for hypertension and diabetes. Other meds that should never be combined with ginger include anticoagulants, and beta blockers. This is important as ginger can reduce the blood pressure and encourage the thinning of blood, resulting in an unwanted interaction with the medications.

Ginger Lovers: Suitable Alternatives for You

  • Cayenne pepper
  • Sweet peppers
  • Red paprika

Feel free to use these alternatives and combine them in different meals and drinks and satisfy your taste buds.
