7 Root Eczema Causes That Doctors Never Treat

Eczema is an umbrella term for several skin disorders. In most of the cases, they are manifested by symptoms like swollen skin, red skin, inflammation, and scaling.

2 to 4 percent of adults develop eczema at a specific point in their lives, but eczema is a more common skin problem in children and babies. Eczema symptoms can be of two types, i.e. chronic or acute.

Check out the major ones in the list below…

What Are the Symptoms of Eczema?

  • Blisters
  • Itchiness
  • Peeling or flaking of the skin
  • Inflammation
  • Changes in the skin’s texture and color
  • Cracked skin because of dryness
  • Blisters
  • Burning sensation

What Are the Major Triggers of Eczema?

*knowing the root cause of your eczema can be essential for the treatment of the problem, rather than just suppressing the symptoms

  1. Poor immunity

A weak immunity can trigger an inflammation as a response to bacteria and yeast living on the skin. The immunity may weaken because of several different causes, including specific meds, untreated infections, autoimmune disorders, poor gut health, and nutrient deficiencies.

  • Allergies

An allergy may trigger a secretion of antibodies and a harmful response from the immunity. Allergies may be caused from some foods, exposure to chemicals or coming into contact with some substances or toxins, for example, soap, perfumes, etc.

  • Genetics

Mutation in the genes may decrease the filaggrin, a protein, production. This protein is crucial for maintaining the corneal skin layer.

  • Toxicity

Being chronically exposed to high levels of pollution or long-term smoking can result in a buildup of toxins in the body. Other possible reason is overuse of antibiotics.

  • Living in colder climates

Did you know that people who live in areas where the climate is colder suffer from eczema more than those living in warmer areas?

  • Low serum production

When the body does not produce sufficient amounts of oil, the skin can become too dry. A poor serum production may be caused by genetics or changes in the immunity.

  • Baby formula

According to a research, breastfed babies were found to have better protection from allergies that can have a negative impact on the immunity. On the other hand, the babies fed with formula were found to have a higher risk of developing eczema.

Beneficial Tips for Eczema Sufferers

  • Avoid scratching or peeling dry skin areas- the scratching increases the risk of living open wounds and cracks that allow for bad bacteria to enter
  • Be more cautious of the food you eat and the household and skin care products you are using- some of the substances may be causing an allergic reactions
  • Make sure your diet is abundant in anti-inflammatory foods– they will

Before heading out, do not forget to check out our article and learn how to prepare a potent and all-natural DIY anti-eczema cream that can help you relieve the condition:
