5 DIY Remedies to Fight Off Bad Breath Naturally

Bad breath or halitosis is an unpleasant odor felt from the mouth and it is a common health problem for 25 to 30 percent of the world population.

The causes for unpleasant mouth odor are numerous, including poor dental hygiene, gum disease, dental cavities, inflammation, etc. Malnutrition, uncontrolled diabetes, and dry mouth may also trigger bad breath, as well as intestinal disorders and sinusitis.

Acute bad breath may happen because of some foods and drinks like coffee, alcohol, garlic, etc. If you also have this oral health problem, continue reading our article. We will show you how to prepare 5 potent home remedies to get rid of the bad breath once and for all!

5 Potent Natural Remedies for Bad Breath

  • Black tea

The polyphenols from black tea will help you reduce the bad breath by slowing down the growth of bad bacteria. Plus, it will detoxify the whole mouth cavity.

You will need:

A tbsp of black tea

A cup of water

Preparation and use: Bring the water to boil and once it begins to boil, add the black tea. Turn off the stove and leave it covered for 10 minutes. Strain it into a cup and consume one cup in the morning and then after lunch.

  • Peppermint tea

This plant will soothe gum infections and supply you with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial abilities and detoxify the whole mouth cavity.

You will need:

A tbsp of peppermint

A cup of water

Preparation and use: Boil the water and add the peppermint. Cover it and strain it after 10 minutes. Drink two cups on a daily basis.

  • Chamomile tea

Chamomile’s detoxifying abilities will eliminate the blood toxins and encourage the cleansing of the liver. If your bad breath is a result of some bacterial changes or because of some liver issue, this is the best tea for you.

You will need:

A tbsp of chamomile flowers

A cup of water

Preparation and use: Boil the water and then add the flowers. Cover it for 10 minutes and then strain it into a cup. Drink three cups per day.

  • Parsley tea

This is an excellent tea for bad breath because of its antioxidant and detoxifying abilities which will help you remove toxins from the oral cavity.

You will need:

A tbsp of parsley

A cup of water

Preparation and use: Boil the water and then add the parsley. Leave it to steep for 10 minutes before straining it into a cup. Consume up to three cups per day.

  • Lemon juice

The natural acids present in lemon juice can help you fight off bad breath and infections better. It will also help you balance the saliva’s pH levels and eliminate the microbes causing the bad breath.

You will need:

Juice from one lemon

½ cup of warm water

Preparation and use: Combine the lemon and water in a cup. Gargle with it two to three times per day. You can also drink a cup of warm lemon water in the morning.
