Plant Once, Pick Forever. 10 Perennial Veggies You Need to Plant this Summer

Gardening is without doubt one of the most rewarding activities, whether it’s our job or our hobby.

Being able to spend time outdoors in nature and breathing fresh air is only one of the plenty benefits that gardening has to offer.

Gardening is also good for us from a health point of view- it gives you organic and fresh veggies and fruits that are a very valuable thing today. When you grow your own food, everything is better, right?

Even if you think gardening isn’t for you, you should know that there are some veggies that you just plant once and they’re always grow.

Continue reading our article to learn about 10 amazing perennial veggies you should definitely plant this spring.

10 Perennial Veggies You Can Plant this Spring

Perennial plants are plants you plant only once and then they will bloom every year. There are no strict rules about the length of blooming.

A lot of factors play a role, including the care, the soil quality, the type of bloom, etc. But, it’s at least three years and up to a decade.

This makes them an awesome option if you need this veggie, flower, fruit or herb on a regular basis.

Perennial is any type of plant which has a repetitive bloom cycle.

Below, check out 10 must-have perennial veggies for the ultimate garden!

10 Amazing Perennial Garden Veggies

  • Garlic chives

Grow them in different locations- from full sun exposure to a partial shade, as long as you give them a rich soil. They will form clumps fast and grow flowers in late summer.

  • Asparagus

Asparagus can’t be harvested right after planting- it takes a year or two; however, it’s definitely worth it- they can provide you with more than 20 years of blooming. Grow them in full sun.

  • Spinach

Did you know that some species of spinach are perennial? The best ones are Sissoo, New Zealand, and Ceylon.

  • Globe artichokes

Give them at least 6 hours of direct sun- their flower buds are the veggie we eat. They will require a lot of moisture and it’s best to grow them from root divisions rather than seeds.

  • Jerusalem artichokes

Also known as Jerusalem artichokes, these veggies are equally tasty when eaten raw or cooked like you would cook potatoes. They can be great food option for people with diabetes instead of regular potatoes.

  • Sweet potatoes

Even though most potatoes are annuals, sweet potatoes are perennial so plant them today and enjoy them for years to come!

  • Kale

So healthy and so easy to grow- plant kale in the early spring, several weeks before the frost or in the fall. It can grow well in full sun exposure; however, it also likes a bit of shade. Opt for a soil that’s abundant in nitrogen.

  • Rhubarb

Plant rhubarb in early spring when the ground has thawed. Make sure you leave at least 4 feet distance between the plants and put them in an area that’s fully exposed to the sun. Choose soil that’s well-drained and fertile.

  • Bunching onion/ Welsh onion

Same as garlic chives, bunching onions like nutrient-rich soil and a lot of sun. They’re not too big; however, the ones you leave behind will grow even larger next year. You can consume both the roots and the tops.

  • Horseradish

Give it fertile soil and full sun and it will grow plentiful. It can also adapt to less light conditions. Plant a root piece in the spring and then in the fall, expect harvesting!
