Burdock Root Tea: Traditional Remedy that can Help with Inflammation & Liver Problems

Unless you’re from some parts of Asia where it’s frequently used, you’re probably not that familiar with burdock root.

A popular ingredient in Japanese cuisine, this root is common spice in stir-fries or consumed raw and added in broths and picked with ACV.

But, a very simple and efficient way to use it is steeping its roots in boiling water. This tea is wonderful and will definitely benefit the whole family and help boost their health.

Burdock Root Tea Explained

Burdock root tea is made by steeping burdock roots in warm water. For centuries, burdock roots, flowers, and leaves have been used for their nutritional and medicinal power.

In full growth, it stands between 1 and 2 meters and its leaves are large and can reach up to 50 cm. And, between from June through October, it grows beautiful purple flowers.

It’s believed to be helpful for relief from colds, flu, fever, gout, arthritis, headaches, poor digestion, constipation, and more.

It’s also rich in antioxidants that help in the fight against free radicals that are linked with chronic diseases.

And, thanks to its diuretic effects, it helps cleanse the blood and induce urination and sweating and thus, speeds up the elimination of surplus water, salt, and toxins.

It can also help decongest when dealing with coughs or flu-like symptoms and promote liver cell regrowth, especially important for people with hepatitis. It’s also consumed to help strengthen the immunity and speed up the healing and recovery after a disease.

Which Nutrients Will You Get when You Drink Burdock Root Tea?

  • Phenolic acids
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Fiber
  • Vitamins B1, B2, and B3

How To Make a DIY Burdock Root Tea?

You’ll need:

1 burdock root

2 liters of water


Cut the burdock root into thirds. And, using a scouring pad, scrape off the dirt from the surface under running water.

But, avoid peeling the skin as it contains most of the nutrients.

Then, cut the root into thin slices and spread the burdock on a bamboo sieve and cover it with a nylon food cover and put it under clear sun for a day or two to become dry, almost crispy.

You can use dehydrator as well.

Put the dried burdock into a pan without oil or liquid and stir on low heat for 10 minutes. It should be golden brown, fragrant, and crispy.

Wait for it to cool down for 10 minutes before putting it into an airtight glass container and close it.

Boil the water and add 10 grams of the burdock and simmer for 10 minutes.

For one cup only, pour boiling water over 5 to 8 pieces of burdock and brew for 4 to 5 minutes.

Extra Tip:

You can add mint leaves, red dates or wolf berries for taste.
