How to Easily Grow Black Pepper Plant in Your Home Garden

One of the most popular and healthiest spices in the world, black pepper, is something every garden should have, don’t you agree?

Luckily for those with a garden of their own, growing black pepper plant is doable and you can have your own peppercorn supply.

Native to South India and cultivated worldwide, black pepper grows as a vine with heart-shaped leaves and loves growing on support.

Interestingly, it produces small white flowers in summer before bearing the fruits.

It loves hot and humid climates and the chances for its thriving reduce if the temperature drops below 60 F.

How to Grow Black Pepper at Home

You can grow it from seeds-but they have to be fresh for optimal success.

If you choose this way, fill a pot with good potting mix enriched with organic matter. Make sure you choose a large enough pot because black pepper has quite long roots.

Poke holes with your finger, around ½ inches deep and set them apart around 1 to 1.5 inches.

And, put a seed in each of these holes and then cover them with soil. Water them regularly and often.

Where Is the Best Location to Place my Black Pepper Plant?

A place with high humidity and a constant temperature between 75 and 85 F, as well as a bright area, but not over-exposed to direct sunlight. This can damage the plant!

As it loves humidity, mist it regularly with rainwater or distilled one. Another way to boost the humidity is with a tray filled with water at the bottom.

However, if you live in a cooler climate or in winter, provide the plant with full sun.

When to Water Black Pepper Plant?

Don’t allow the soil to dry out excessively between watering. Still, don’t allow overwatering to happen. This can lead to root rot.

Mulch the plant with organic matter-this helps avert weeds and evaporation.

The most Interesting Part: Harvesting Your Black Peppercorns

You can harvest white, green or black peppers from a single plant-this is because the color depends on the maturation level of the plant.

Harvest it prior to the maturity and leave them to dry out in the hot sun-the drying will result in wrinkled and black peppercorns which you can later ground into powder.
