Use Yogurt in the Garden for these 5 Miracles!

It may sound weird at first, but after you learn the amazing uses that yogurt has to offer for a thriving garden, it will become your favorite gardening trick to share with your friends and family, for sure!

Yogurt is abundant in probiotics-good bacteria that we need for optimal health because of their role in healthy digestion, good mood, and strong immunity.

However, yogurt also has some power to help your plants grow happy and healthy. Namely, research indicates that the probiotics from yogurt help better the nitrogen levels in plants and thus, better their growth.

And, the endophytes in plants or the plant’s probiotics work in the same way that probiotics work for our digestive health.

Pretty awesome, right? – Let’s check out why yogurt can be a good addition to your garden!

5 Amazing Yogurt Uses for a Thriving Garden

  • Destroys mildew

Did you know that you can keep your plants safe from fungal diseases with yogurt? Use a tbsp of yogurt and dissolve it in a cup of water and fill one bottle sprayer with the mixture.

Apply it to the leaves. You can do it daily as a preventive measure or as a treatment.

  • Help plants thrive ( an awesome fertilizer)

Yogurt makes an awesome organic fertilizer-it will boost the nitrogen and phosphorus levels without adding any harmful chemicals.

Mix it with water in 50:50 ratio and pour it near the roots.

Do this once or twice per month.

  • Awesome for your citrus trees

If you have a lemon or an orange tree growing in your garden, use yogurt to boost its growth, improve its strength, and keep it healthy.

Apply a cup or two of yogurt at its base during the growth season, approximately once every 4 or 6 weeks.

  • To grow moss

Yogurt is an awesome medium for moss growth-mix a cup of yogurt and 2 spoons of moss until you get a thick paste.

Pour it onto the wanted area and water it on a regular basis. It will start growing very soon!

  • Add it to compost

Add some yogurt to compost and cover it with leaves and sawdust. This helps better the fertility of the soil and the rate of microbes.

It’s awesome to boost the growth of common garden plants, veggies, fruits, and herbs.
