Why Is No One Talking about the Fact that Feta Cheese Is One of the Healthiest Cheeses in the World?

We all love feta: the soft and white cheese made from goat or sheep milk. It’s one of the oldest types of cheese in the world.

It boasts a rich, unique aroma and a slightly sour taste.

Although it’s rich in amazing nutrients like protein and calcium, it may also contain high levels of sodium and saturated fat. However, its fat content is still lower than that of some other types of cheese.

Hence, when eaten in moderation, it’s an amazing food. Plus, as it’s made either from sheep or goat milk rather than with that from cows, it’s easier on the digestive system.

Why Is Feta One of the Healthiest Types of Cheese in the World?

By eating a serving of feta, around 30 grams, you’ll get some pretty useful nutrients, including 75 calories, 6 grams of fat, 4 grams of protein, 1 gram of carbs, 1 gram of sugar, and zinc, selenium, calcium, riboflavin, and phosphorus.

It’s an amazing cheese for a healthier nervous system, healthier skin, and better energy production.

It’s praised for a lot of health benefits when moderately consumed, but these are the most common ones:

Good for the bones

Feta is richer in calcium than some other types of cheese. This mineral is necessary for healthy bones and teeth.

Moreover, the phosphorus combined with the calcium has been associated with higher bone density and lower risk of osteoporosis.

Helps keep a healthy weight

The CLA in feta cheese is a fatty acid which has been linked in studies with lower body fat. And, it’s also praised for the ability to help better the body’s composition in the long run.

However, not all of these findings are consistent and more data is necessary. And, in fact, some studies have linked CLA with higher cholesterol and less effective metabolism of sugar.

Healthier gut

Feta cheese is fermented food and fermented foods are abundant in probiotics-these good bacteria better the gut health and help keep the immunity strong.

According to studies, probiotics may be helpful with diarrhea and constipation common in IBS and other digestive problems.

Reduces the risk of diabetes

The calcium and protein in feta may help in the management of your blood sugar levels and contribute to a lower risk of diabetes.
