Top 10 Foods to Improve Your Vaginal Health

In order to be healthy, women need to pay attention to their vaginal health.

Unfortunately, it’s not always the case and a lot of women struggle with some type of vaginal-related health problem at a certain period in their lives.

To lower the risk of these health problems and to keep this organ healthy, you can opt for some of these top 10 foods. They will improve your vaginal health by reducing odd smells, lowering inflammation, and encouraging freshness.

Remember, in addition to a healthy and nutritious diet, your vaginal health also depends on protected intercourse, hormonal balance, using the right feminine hygiene products, and controlling certain chronic conditions like endometriosis.

By balancing the vagina’s pH (the normal range is between 3.8 and 4.5), you prevent bacteria from thriving and leading to health issues like UTIs.

Good news is the vagina is an organ that’s very good at cleaning itself. Added to safe sex, good hygiene, and regular gynecological visits, you can keep it balanced.

In the meantime, strengthen it up by adding these 10 foods to your diet!

10 Foods for Vaginal Health

  • Cranberries

Fresh cranberries or a pure cranberry juice is rich in antioxidants and acidic compounds. They help fight off infections and prevent bacteria from attaching onto the wall of the bladder.

But, make sure you avoid the store-bought juices laden with sugar and opt for pure variants only!

  • Sweet potatoes

If you’re looking to get pregnant, add sweet potatoes to your diet.

Abundant in vitamin A and beta carotene, they will protect your uterine walls and make them stronger.

Moreover, these nutrients have been studied for their effects on reproduction and fertility in both women and men, as well as for healthy development of the fetus.

And, the nutrients in sweet potatoes are known to boost the sex hormone production which is often useful for women with PCOS.

  • Apples

If you want orgasms, add apples to your diet.

It will keep things in bed very interesting.

Namely, a 2014 study found that the ladies who consumed an apple per day enjoyed better sexual life.

This is believed to be a result of phloridzin, a phytoestrogen believed to improve the sexual function, lubrication, arousal, and orgasms.

  • Avocados

Did you know that your all-time-favorite toast topper is excellent for your sex life?

Being abundant in vitamin B6, healthy fats, and potassium, it has a positive influence on women’s libido. It will also boost the lubrication and the levels of estrogen.

You can also eat it for stronger vaginal walls and boosting the success chances from IVF thanks to its unsaturated fats.

  • Leafy greens

It seems that there’s nothing that leafy greens aren’t good for.

And, this includes your vaginal health.

Namely, thanks to their blood-cleansing properties, they will boost your blood flow thanks to their long list of nutrients.

Consequently, your vaginal dryness will drop and your stimulation will increase.

Further on, thanks to the calcium, magnesium, and vitamin E in leafy greens, you’ll experience better vaginal muscle health.

  • Soy

Although often a controversial topic, soy’s phytoestrogens mimic the estrogen in the body and are beneficial for the health of the vagina.  

This may particularly be beneficial for those with lower estrogen levels.

But, whenever possible, make sure you’re opting for soy that’s minimally-processed and rich in isoflavones.

  • Foods with plant fats

Foods with omega 3-s will boost your blood flow which is great for your sex drive.

You can find these and other essential fatty acids in foods like buckthorn, linoleic, and oleic oil.

A 2014 study actually found them beneficial for healing vaginal dryness in women who’re in post menopause.

  • Probiotic-rich foods

Fermented foods that are abundant in probiotics like yogurt and kimchi aren’t beneficial for your gut.

In fact, they’ll balance your pH and help you prevent infections.

Thanks to the live and active cultures present in these foods, you supply the body with good bacteria that help lower the risk of yeast infections.

And, the calcium in yogurt was found helpful in alleviating PMS symptoms.

  • Carrots

Carrots are much more than a food to dip in ranch sauce; study found them good for women’s vaginal health.

Namely, those women who consumed luteolin that’s present in carrots experienced a 34 percent lower chances of ovarian cancer.

  • Bananas

Bananas are rich in potassium that is a nutrient which counteracts the effects of foods that have a lot of sodium.

In fact, salt-rich foods don’t just reduce the blood flow to the genitals and impeding orgasms, but also makes you bloated and this isn’t cute at all, right?
