Top 10 Foods to Lower Cholesterol

Heart illness is one of the leading causes of death globally.

With high levels of bad cholesterol, the risk of heart disease elevates.

And, having low levels of good cholesterol and high triglycerides are also associated with increased risk of cardiovascular problems.

But, the good news is that your diet has a potent impact on your cholesterol levels as well as other risk factors.

Below, check out the top 10 foods to lower cholesterol naturally.

10 Top Foods to Lower Cholesterol Naturally

  1. Avocados

Avocados are rich in nutrients and particularly abundant in mono-unsaturated fats and fiber.

These two nutrients help decrease the bad and elevate the good cholesterol.

Moreover, one study done with overweight and obese adults with high bad cholesterol who consumed an avocado per day showed that it lowered their levels more than what was noted in the group who  didn’t consume any avocados.

  • Nuts (almonds & walnuts)

Nuts are abundant in nutrients and especially monounsaturated fats.

Walnuts contain a lot of omega 3, a type of fat that’s been linked with better cardiovascular health.

Moreover, almonds and some other nuts contain L-arginine, an amino acid which encourages the body’s production of nitric oxide.

In turn, they regulate the blood pressure levels.

Nuts will also supply you with phytosterols-compounds with a similar structure to cholesterol which help drop it down by blocking the absorption in the intestines.

  • Fatty fish

These types of fish, like mackerel and salmon, are awesome sources of omega 3s.

They better the cardiovascular health and elevate the good cholesterol and reduce the risk of inflammation and stroke.

When choosing fish, remember to cook it in a healthy way, i.e. steaming and stewing.

This is important if we take into account that fried fish raises the risk of strokes and cardiovascular disease.

Remember, overconsumption of fried fish consumption may elevate the chance of stroke and heart illness!

  • Legumes

Legumes like peas, lentils, and beans are rich in minerals, fiber, and protein.

By replacing the processed meats and refined grains from your diet with legumes, you help decrease the chances of heart illness.

Plus, legumes have been associated with weight loss, even when you don’t necessarily follow a calorie-restricting diet.

  • Whole grains (barley and oats)

A long list of research has linked whole grains with reduced risk of heart illness.

In one review of 45 studies, consuming three servings of whole grains on the daily led to a 20 percent drop in the risk of strokes and heart illnesses.

And, the advantages are greater when people consumed more servings of whole grains (up to seven).

Although you will benefit from all whole grains, two are particularly powerful, that is, oats and barley.

  • Dark chocolate and cocoa

Cocoa is the main ingredient of dark chocolate. And, research confirms chocolate and cocoa have the power to reduce the bad cholesterol.

Namely, in one study, those adults who consumed a cocoa drink twice per day for a month had a lower bad cholesterol and therefore, a lower risk of heart illness.

However, chocolate is often laden with sugar and this may have a negative impact on your cardiovascular health.

This being said, opt for cocoa only and chocolate with 75 percent or higher cocoa content.

  • Garlic

For centuries, garlic has been used both for cooking and as a natural remedy because of its potent compound known as allicin.

Studies point out that garlic helps decrease the blood pressure in individuals with higher levels and may also be of aid in decreasing the whole and the bad cholesterol.

However, since eating larger amounts of garlic are necessary to reap heart-protecting impact, opt for garlic supplements.

  • Tea

Tea is rich in compounds that better the cardiovascular health.

Although green tea is very popular, white and black tea have similar characteristics and health effects.

Research mostly links it with a lower total and bad cholesterol.

  • Extra virgin olive oil

A 5-year-study involved older adults at risk of cardiovascular disease. They took 60 ml of extra virgin olive oil per day and followed a Mediterranean diet.

Those who consumed olive oil experienced a 30 percent reduction in the chance of heart events like heart attacks and strokes when compared to the ones who followed a diet low in fat.

Thanks to its polyphenols, olive oil will help you decrease the inflammation linked with heart illness.

  1. Fruits and berries

Fruit is a great addition to your diet if you want to keep the heart healthy.

Namely, a lot of fruits are abundant in soluble fiber which is linked with reduced levels of cholesterol.

It does it by helping the body remove surplus cholesterol and prevents the liver from producing it.

Moreover, berries are rich in bioactive compounds that help elevate the good and reduce the bad cholesterol.
