The 10 Best Supplements for Healthy Nerves for Neuropathy Sufferers

Neuropathy is nerve damage that happens in diabetic people or in people who’ve undergone chemo. Even though lifestyle changes and treatments may relieve the symptoms, supplements are also helpful.

The common symptoms of neuropathy are tingling in certain body parts, a burning sensation, feeling ache even from the lightest touch, experiencing extreme temperature changes in the feet, other unusual sensations, etc.

Any of the body’s peripheral nerves can develop neuropathy, but most people say it happens in the feet or hands. The conventional treatment is keeping the condition under control. The research on supplements and natural remedies is ongoing.

One thing is for sure; supplements may have fewer unpleasant side effects than conventional therapy and may also offer other health benefits. Always discuss supplements with your doctor prior to taking them.

Below, check out the vitamins and supplements that may be of aid for neuropathy sufferers.

10 Best Vitamins & Supplements to Alleviate Neuropathy

  1. B-complex vitamins

B-complex vitamins like B12 and B6 may help relieve neuropathy.

This is because they play a major role in maintaining the health of the nerves, the metabolism, and the sensory perception.

Being low on these vitamins is common and people can develop a deficiency in only several weeks of improper intake.

Some of the best B-complex supplements promoted for neuropathy are folate (also found in fortified cereals and oatmeal) and vitamin B1 found in different types of meat, but also in peas and oranges.

2. Alpha-lipoic acid

ALA may be of aid in reversing the damage from free radicals and boosting the effects of antioxidants, which may further help in slowing down or putting an end to neuropathy.

Several studies point out that ALA may offer the much-needed relief from the symptoms of neuropathy like the burning and stabbing ache, within only several weeks.

In one study from 2006, those with neuropathy symptoms took ALA once per day for five weeks.

Those who took it were divided into three groups according to the amount and their results were compared to those of the placebo group. All of the three groups who took ALA reported feeling fewer symptoms.

But, the ones with the higher doses experienced more side effects too.

3. Acetyl-l-carnitine/ALC

ALC is produced naturally by our liver and kidneys and it’s also a popular supplement. Some smaller early studies found the results from this supplement promising, but there are other studies that point out that ALC doesn’t work.

Some studies have found it helpful for pain management and improvement of nerve function in people with neuropathy and diabetes.

4. Calcium

According to the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy, calcium may be of aid in chemotherapy-caused neuropathy.

However, the research is scarce. The best sources of calcium are dairy foods like milk and cheese.

5. Magnesium

Magnesium may help with neuropathy caused by chemo, according to the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy; however, additional research is necessary.

In a study published in Nutrients, people who underwent chemo and had higher levels of magnesium in their diet had less likelihood of developing neuropathy.

Magnesium is found in avocados, legumes, nuts, and dark chocolate.

6. Glutathione

This antioxidant is produced by our body. And, it’s an increasingly popular supplement. Some foods like avocados, asparagus, and okra contain this antioxidant. But our digestion breaks it up and our body doesn’t absorb it.

According to preliminary research, it may be of aid in neuropathy caused by chemo, diabetic neuropathy, as well as neuropathy without a known origin.

7. NAC (N-acetyl cysteine)

This antioxidant is found in beans, bananas, and legumes. It may keep the neurological system safe from damage and inflammation, which may be of aid in treatment or prevention of neuropathy.

According to several small studies from 2018, NAC led to improvement in neurological disorders, including neuropathy.

8. Vitamin B12

People who don’t consume any animal products like vegans are more prone to vitamin B12 deficiency.

This deficiency could increase the risk of neuropathy. Therefore, supplementation is recommended in this case.

9. Copper

A copper deficiency may cause nerve damage and increase the zinc levels in the body. People with low levels of copper may be in need of long-term treatment.

10. Vitamin E

This antioxidant plays a crucial role in the prevention of neuropathy. This is because low levels of it can damage the nerves.
