10 Ways You’re Hurting Your Immune System without Knowing

Germs can make us ill, but it also depends on how our body will respond to them. Some simple habits, according to experts, increase our risk of poor health.

We need to keep the immunity strong if we want to fight off infections. Keeping the immune system strong is pivotal for the cells to be healthy and active. When the immunity weakens, diseases can easily attack us.

Below, check out the 10 ways you may be hurting your immune system and decreasing its power, without even knowing!

10 Ways We Hurt Our Immunity without Knowing

Poor sleep

Insufficient sleep increases our risk of germs and viruses. It may also prolong our recovery from an illness if we don’t sleep enough.

Sleep is important so that the body can produce cells that fight against infections and antibodies, proteins that defend you from disease.

Our body actually releases cytokines only during sleep. These proteins help immunity do its job.


Worry and stress won’t help you fight off germs and pathogens.

Anxious thoughts can weaken the immunity within 30 minutes. Continuous exposure takes a toll and it impedes the immunity’s ability to fight off the flu, herpes, shingles, and different viruses and bacteria.

You should consult your physician if you’re unable to take out worry from your life or if it gets in the way of living a normal life.

Low levels of vitamin D

Vitamin D is pivotal for healthy blood cells and potent bones. It also plays a role in strengthening immunity.

It can be acquired from the sun rays, but also from certain foods like eggs, fortified foods like cereals and milk, and fatty fish.

During the summer when there is the most sunlight, you just need five to 15 minutes of the rays on the face, hands, and arms to get the needed vitamin D. In the winter though, you need a bit more.

Some meds

Some drugs used for the treatment of lupus, IBS, organ transplantation, arthritis, etc. can increase the risk of inflammation.

This is why you need to discuss the meds you’re taking with your physician and adjust them accordingly.

Consuming low amounts of fruits and veggies

Fruits and veggies boost the body’s production of white blood cells that are important for the fight against infections.

Nuts, seeds, and fresh produce will boost your levels of zinc, vitamins A, C, and E, and plenty of other pivotal nutrients.

Plant-based foods are also rich in fiber that plays a role in reducing the body fat percentage and may be of aid for a stronger immune system.

Diet high in fat

Oils can impede the production of white blood cells that fight against germs. If your diet is high in fat, it will weaken the gut bacteria balance and reduce your immune response.

Consume more low-fat foods that are sugar-free and lean protein like turkey, chicken, and seafood or lean beef cuts without fat.

Weight management is also pivotal since obesity increases the risk of getting the flu and other infections.


The nicotine from cigarettes is known to weaken the capacity of the body to fight off invaders.

Other chemicals from e-liquids are also known to suppress immunity.

Too much alcohol

Overconsumption of alcohol slows down the body’s capacity to fight off germs. Excessive intake of alcohol increases the risk of tuberculosis, some cancers, pneumonia, and liver illness.

Lack of physical activity

Being physically active boosts the body’s immunity and helps it improve the fight against bacteria and viruses.

This is believed to be because workout betters the blood flow and this helps deliver the substances needed for the fight against germs where they need to be.

Lack of sexual activity

Being intimate on a weekly basis strengthens immunity. Sex elevates the levels of immunoglobulin, a germ-fighting substance.

However, too much isn’t always best. Couples who had intercourse more than twice per week actually had lower levels of this substance than the individuals who didn’t have sex at all.
