Top 10 Foods to Clear Out Your Acne

Americans spend billions on OTC acne treatments yearly; however, no matter how expensive the masks, creams, and scrubs are, they can’t fix an acne breakout if the inside is the director.

Skin is the body’s way of communicating with us and when we fail to pay enough attention to the stuff we put into our bodies, the message will probably be in red. 

According to research, to ensure a gut-skin flawless communication, we need to consume low-glycemic foods and foods rich in protein to reduce acne breakouts. Begin with a clean and wholesome foundation: a diet abundant in fruits and veggies! 

Below, learn about the 10 best foods to make blemishes and zits part of the past.

Top 10 Foods to Decrease the Risk of Acne Breakouts 

  1. Sweet potatoes

Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A and is beneficial in the fight against acne and to lower the risk of wrinkles. 

There are various retinol products on the market that promise a quick removal of acne; however, for people under the age of 30, this ingredient may be too much for the skin. 

This is why you can consume it instead. 

Beta-carotene that transforms into vitamin A in the body is one of the reasons why sweet potatoes have an orange color and will help you boost your skin quality.

Consume them to get vitamin A which serves as a skin barrier against inflammation, clogged pores, discoloration, etc. 

  1. Pumpkin

Rich in fruit enzymes, alpha hydroxy acids, and zinc, pumpkin softens the skin and balances the pH. 

This is why it’s often present in various masks and exfoliators. 

When you consume it regularly, zinc helps you balance the oil production. 

Whisk a pumpkin puree into the pancake batter to enjoy an all-season breakfast or consume the roasted seeds enriched with some oil and a bit of sea salt.

  1. Legumes

Legumes (kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.) have something in common: they’re all low-glycemic and help keep the blood sugar levels balanced and decrease the flareups of acne. 

The foods with a higher GI like bagels, white rice, chocolate, etc. may trigger a spike in blood sugar. 

According to research, this doesn’t just increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, strokes, and cardiovascular problems, but it may also have a negative effect on the skin.

  1. Quinoa 

One cup of cooked quinoa contains 17 to 27 grams of fiber and it helps reduce constipation. 

Regular pooping removes the toxins from the body and helps you keep a clearer skin and have fewer dark spots. 

Quinoa makes an awesome addition to salads or as a side dish; however, you can also use it as a replacement for wheat flour in various muffins, cookies, and different baked goods. 

  1. Salmon

This fish, consumed with the skin, is an amazing source of omega 3s, but mackerel, sardines, and anchovies are also awesome options. 

Omega 3s keep the skin safe from sun damage and lower your risk of skin cancer and dark spots from prolonged exposure to the sun. 

When consuming salmon regularly, you add some impressive nutrients to your diet, including protein, B vitamins, selenium, potassium, and antioxidants.

  1. Cauliflower

This cruciferous vegetable contains a potent amino acid known as histidine. 

Excessive sunlight exposure can worsen dark spots; however, this amino acid averts these harmful UV rays from causing damage to the skin. 

A cup of cauliflower will boost your fiber, vitamins B6, C, and K, folate, magnesium, and phosphorus levels.

  1. Papaya 

Papaya fruit is abundant in papain, a digestive enzyme. 

On the surface of the skin, papain helps unclog the pores, fade scars from acne, hydrate the skin, remove dead cells, and avert breakouts. 

When consumed, it helps better the elasticity of the skin and prevents the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. 

  1. Berries

Cherries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries may be small in size, but they’re packed with vitamin C and antioxidants. 

The abundance of vitamin C in the blood is potent protection from blotchy skin whereas the antioxidants from berries attack the dark spots and decrease the risk of formation.

Moreover, with berries, you also better your health in so many other ways, including reducing cholesterol, balancing the blood sugar levels, lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and regulating bowel movements.

  1. Lemon

Fresh lemon juice is a natural astringent and it’s popularly used for tightening the skin and blurring blemishes. 

But, topical treatment isn’t recommended because it’s too acidic and may damage the precious skin barrier and cause excessive lightening or darkening, especially after sun exposure. 

In a serum though and through the diet, lemon can do so many wonders for the skin. 

It has protective and anticancer properties and will help boost the production of collagen, block free radicals, and make scars lighter. 

  1. Kale

Kale is among the most nutritious members of the cabbage family. 

It’s low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins A, B6, C, and K, calcium, manganese, copper, magnesium, and potassium. 

Antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins from kale help you lower hyperpigmentation and contribute to an even skin tone. 

Vitamin C plays a role in the formation of collagen and encourages the healing of scars quicker.  

Add it to your morning smoothie or lightly saute it and you have a yummy and nutritious side dish.
