Should you take magnesium every day?-Is this a good decision? Magnesium is an essential mineral for the human body. According to the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements, magnesium plays a major role in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, it’s important for energy production on […]
Author: bestfolkmedicine
The Best from Our Grandmas: Traditional Remedy to Relieve Joint & Back Ache at Home
Thanks to this homemade all-natural remedy, you can alleviate pain and discomfort caused by arthritis backache, osteoarthritis, and other issues with your muscles, bones, and joints. Using the benefits of folk remedies can be really helpful, especially when the conventional methods fail to work or provide the desired results. Our […]
The Top 8 Natural Treatments for Sciatic Pain
Sciatic nerve pain is a type of back pain. It causes a shooting and sharp pain that spreads from the lower back and goes through the buttocks, down the legs, and into the feet. Unfortunately, this pain affects around 40 percent of the adult American population. Sciatic nerve pain causes […]
Is a Bump on Your Wrist a Cause for Concern?-See What You Should Do
Seeing a lump on the hand or the wrist may be alarming. So, you begin to wonder about the cause of it and whether you should head to the doctor’s office or not. In most cases, a lump on the wrist or hand isn’t serious. In rare situations though, it […]
7 Signs That Adrenal Fatigue Is Causing Your Anxiety, Sleep Problems & Joint Ache
Adrenal fatigue isn’t an officially recognized medical diagnosis. It’s mostly mentioned by alternative healthcare practitioners. The term adrenal fatigue in alternative medicine is an umbrella term for several non-specific symptoms including tiredness, body aches, sleep problems, and digestive issues. The adrenal glands are in charge of producing different hormones that […]
Watch Out: Fake Honey Brands Are More Common than You Think
Supermarket aisles are full of adulterated and fake honey products. From importing honey from countries with low-quality control and standards to heating up the honey to hide the source and the additives or to speed up the bottling process, many honey brands are falsely representing what they’re actually selling. And, […]
Protect Your Body Tissues with This Miracle Tree Powder: Better than any Multivitamin with 10X the Calcium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C than any Fruit or Veggie?
We live in a world full of processed foods and drinks. That’s the harsh truth. Our diets lack nutrients. So, malnutrition is a growing epidemic. More than 800 million individuals don’t have access to nutritive food sources to stay healthy and develop well. Unfortunately, the poor diet and lifestyle have […]
These 2 Nutritional Greens Work Together & Pull Out and Absorb Heavy Metals and Detox Your Intestinal Tract, Thyroid, and Reproductive System
In today’s world, our exposure to heavy metals is a valid concern. Unfortunately, these toxins can accumulate in the body as time passes and cause a long list of complications. Heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, etc. gather in the tissues and organs and trigger a long list of […]
This Ancient Root Was Used to Heal Poisonous Arrow Wounds. Now We Know It Also Calms Irritated Skin, Heals IBS, Relieves Athlete’s Foot & Has 10 Other Health Benefits
For more than 7000 years, indigenous cultures relied on a powerful root with amazing healing properties known as arrowroot to heal a variety of health problems. They used it for so many things, including to heal wounds from poison arrows. Studies have found it beneficial in soothing IBS symptoms and […]
16 Signs of Histamine Intolerance & The Reasons for It
Histamine intolerance stands for a high level of histamine in the body. It may be due to an inability of the body to break it down or another root cause. Unfortunately, high levels of histamine may have a negative effect on various systems in the body. The intolerance to histamine […]