Author: bestfolkmedicine

The Top 8 Natural Treatments for Sciatic Pain

The Top 8 Natural Treatments for Sciatic Pain

Sciatic nerve pain is a type of back pain. It causes a shooting and sharp pain that spreads from the lower back and goes through the buttocks, down the legs, and into the feet.  Unfortunately, this pain affects around 40 percent of the adult American population. Sciatic nerve pain causes […]

Watch Out: Fake Honey Brands Are More Common than You Think

Watch Out: Fake Honey Brands Are More Common than You Think

Supermarket aisles are full of adulterated and fake honey products.  From importing honey from countries with low-quality control and standards to heating up the honey to hide the source and the additives or to speed up the bottling process, many honey brands are falsely representing what they’re actually selling. And, […]

16 Signs of Histamine Intolerance & The Reasons for It

16 Signs of Histamine Intolerance & The Reasons for It

Histamine intolerance stands for a high level of histamine in the body. It may be due to an inability of the body to break it down or another root cause.  Unfortunately, high levels of histamine may have a negative effect on various systems in the body. The intolerance to histamine […]