Monosodium glutamate is a common additive used in Chinese restaurants, but it also has numerous other names and it’s added to a variety of foods you have no idea of. This is because it goes under a lot of different names and it’s hidden in a lot of ingredients. More […]
Author: bestfolkmedicine
Fire Cider: A Popular Folk Remedy that Improves Digestion & Relieves Colds, Coughing, & Fever
Have you heard of fire cider? This folk remedy is one of the most popular all-natural cures for coughs and colds. It’s so potent that it will boost your immunity and strengthen it in the fight against pathogens and viruses. It may not be the tastiest drink you have tried, […]
Ashwagandha: “Nature’s Xanax” can Significantly Calm Down Your Nervous System
Ashwagandha is a small and woody plant with yellow flowers. It originates from India and has long been used in Ayurveda for its long list of health advantages. Evidence of its use as a healing plant goes back to 3000 years ago. It’s promoted in natural folk medicine as helpful […]
Cayenne Pepper May Save Lives: No Home Should Be Without It
If there’s one herbal medicine that you need to choose to have in your home forever, believe us, you will be making the best decision if you go with cayenne pepper. This well-known red pepper doesn’t just add a vibrant flavor to a variety of meals, but it’s also packed […]
FDA Finds Rocket Fuel Ingredient in Zantac, B/P & Diabetes Meds
NDMA is a toxic compound that doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near the world of medicine. Unfortunately, it was found in three well-known meds used for blood pressure management, that is, irbesartan, valsartan, and losartan back in 2018. This is why the FDA released an alert and wrote a letter […]
Nature’s Penicillin: Helps with Pneumonia, Earache, the Flu, and Bronchitis
Nature’s penicillin is a folk remedy that people swear by for pneumonia. Powerful, effective, and natural, you should definitely have it in your recipe book. Regardless of the reason why you choose to not take lab-made penicillin (allergies, overuse of antibiotics, etc.), there are great natural options that you can […]
How to Make Alcohol Rosemary That Helps with Gout, Muscle Ache, Varicose Veins, and Cellulite
Cellulite is a frequent cosmetic issue causing headaches to people, especially ladies. It causes unpleasant bumps and dimples on the skin. It’s more common in women and around 98 percent of them have it. Though it’s not a health-related issue, many dislike it and consider it unsightly and a lot […]
You’ll Never Walk into a Pharmacy Again: Try This 100% Nourishing “Bomb”
If you’re down with a cold or the flu, you will appreciate knowing the recipe for this healing tonic. If you feel like coming down with something or notice your voice has become hoarser, get the ingredients and prepare yourself this nourishing “bomb”. Even if you’re not down with a […]
With This Oil, Your Hair, Eyelashes, and Eyebrows Will Grow Faster than ever
Castor and coconut oils are promoted as helpful and effective folk remedies for people with dry hair. Namely, coconut oil acts as a conditioner whereas castor oil boosts hair growth. Together, they can help speed up hair growth and make it silkier. Keep reading to learn more about how combining […]
These Makeup Brands Are Still Using Cancer-Linked ‘Forever Chemicals’
Beauty products sold by brands like Revolution, Inglot, and Urban Decay sold in the UK were found to still contain the “forever chemicals”. These are pollutants which are known as PFAS. They’ve been associated with major health issues and cancer is on the list. Despite not being illegal in the […]