Author: bestfolkmedicine

Prevent high blood pressure caused by salty food

There are millions of people out there who crave salty food, and just simply can’t take their food without the salt. They might be fully aware of the negative impact that all the added salt has on their body, but they just can’t seem to help themselves. If you are […]

Are You Gluten Intolerant? Check Out these 8 Indicating Signs

8 Signs You Have A Gluten Intolerance

These days, there is a lot of talk about gluten intolerance or sensitivity to gluten, a protein commonly found in wheat, rye, and barley. The symptoms of this condition are of different types and may include joint ache, tiredness, depression, and gastrointestinal issues. Before we learn about the major indicators […]

Husband Admits To Sleeping With Wife’s Sister

Divorces and break-ups have become a normal state of affairs, and it’s a good thing they did. It’s better to separate yourself from someone you don’t feel you can spend the rest of your life with, then to stay with them and remain miserable. However, in some cases divorces and […]

Losing weight with a simple after-meal drink

Considering our hectic lifestyles and every-day chores, losing weight can present one of the toughest tasks for modern day men and women. We tend to work too hard and not worry about what we put into our body. We just stuff our faces with fast food, coffee shop treats and […]

Morning routine for weight loss

The world we live in is undeniably harsh to our health, especially if you live in a large city. We are constantly exposed to fumes coming from the traffic, or from industrial sources, which is even worse. Our food is sprayed with harmful chemicals, the beauty and hygiene products we […]

Lose 10 pounds in 7 days

Looking for a quick way to shed 10 pounds? This extremely easy, yet highly effective diet might be tailor maid for you then. Just follow the simple routine for a week: Breakfast: Drink a glass of cold water with some lemon juice squeezed into it on an empty stomach. This […]

Removing facial hair naturally

Most women out there know how frustrating having a few facial hairs can negatively impact your confidence and self-image. They resort to plucking the hairs, or having them waxed or even laser-removed. All of these methods are invasive, making them harsh on the surrounding skin. Additionally, they can cost you […]

Ashwagandha Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects + More

More and more people in the western world are turning to traditional, herb-based, medicine to treat their various health issues. As the popularity of natural medicine, especially east-Asian, rises, the use of herbs such as ashwagandhais becoming so wide-spread that you can hear about it everywhere. This article will explore […]