Author: bestfolkmedicine

How To Grow An Endless Supply Of Turmeric At Home

Turmeric is a well known spice that has been a part of Asian cuisine for a long period of time. It is also considered to be one of the most potent spices for treatment of several health problems because it has more than 600 preventive and therapeutic uses. It is […]

Top 9 Essential Oils to Boost Thyroid Health & How to Use Them

The thyroid gland is the large endocrine gland located in the neck and shaped as a butterfly. It secretes hormones for regulation of proper development and growth through the metabolism. With aid from the parathyroid gland, the thyroid controls the body’s circulation of calcium as well. Most people do not […]

The Best Natural Antibiotic that Kills every Infection

The Best Natural Antibiotic that Kills every Infection

This article will be focused on presenting a recipe for the most powerful natural antibiotic which has the ability to make the immune system strong and help you avert a long list of health complications. It is made with simple and easily-affordable ingredients and you just need several minutes of […]