Fruits & Veggies

Fruits & Vegetables Lead to Longer Life, Study Finds

Fruits & Vegetables Lead to Longer Life, Study Finds

Recent research has been focused on discovering the effect of an anti-inflammatory nutrition on longevity and longer lifespan. An anti-inflammatory diet is considered to be a type of diet which is comprised and abundant in fruits and veggies (in addition to other healthy foods), particularly berries and dark-leafy green veggies. […]

This Is the New Superfruit of the 21st Century

This Is the New Superfruit of the 21st Century

Custard apple is grown in Australia and it is a hybrid of the sugar apple and the chermoya. As explained on Custard Apple, for centuries, practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine in India have been using different parts of the sugar apple tree to address diabetes and in a similar fashion; Inca […]

Plant Compound Found to Reverse Lung Damage Linked to COPD

Plant Compound Found to Reverse Lung Damage Associated With COPD

COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, as explained on Real Farmacy, is a term that encompasses several conditions, that is, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, and bronchiectasis. These progressive lung illnesses are known to cause breathing problems by obstructing the airflow and damaging the lung tissue. it is the third major […]

You Must Remove these Foods to Fight Off Inflammation

According to newest research, inflammation is the main reason for a long list of health problems. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to repairing injured tissue. However, when the process lasts longer than it should, it can easily turn into a chronic issue. Chronic inflammation can be triggered when we […]

Why Fermented Beets Are one of the Best Things You Can Eat daily

Without doubt, eating more beets can be highly beneficial for your overall health because they are abundant in powerful nutrients. Namely, they have polyphenols and betalains, antioxidants that can fight off heart disease, cancer, and birth defects. The betaine which they contain can better the functioning of the liver and […]

This Vegetable Will Fix everything Wrong in Your Body

With certainty, beetroot is one of the healthiest veggies ever and it has potent healing characteristics that can be of great aid in treating a long list of health issues. The anthocyanins which beetroot has is known to posses strong anticancer characteristics whereas the betaine enhances the health of the […]