Healthy News

Opioids cause chronic pain, according to new study

Commonly used opioids and pain relievers have just raised another major question; can they actually cause chronic pain, and have the reverse effect from the intended one? According to the study published on April 16 of this year by the University of Colorado, the answer is yes, they can. The […]

Everything You Need to Know about Ketosis

Ketosis is a metabolic state during which the body does not use sugar for energy, but fat. This change happens when the blood sugar is low and the glycogen in the muscles is gone. This can be achieved through a low carb diet or fasting for a longer period if […]

13 Common Foods That Can Cause Constipation

According to medical experts, constipation is a health problem which is characterized by fewer than 3 bowel movements per week. Unfortunately, the healthy range is up to two bowel movements per day. A healthy stool is soft, smooth, and easily passed. Straining on the toilet or not going in the […]

11 Essential Vitamins for Healthy Hair Growth

As many people do, you probably also dream of having long and shiny hair, however, you have a problem achieving this because your hair grows very slowly! You also have split ends and your hairs are prone to breakage. If you want to put an end to this slow growth […]

10 Amazing Benefits of Chlorophyll

Leafy green veggies are considered to be superfoods, mostly because of the chlorophyll which they possess. This green pigment is pivotal for photosynthesis and according to research, it is also necessary for our optimal health. The 10 Healing Properties of Chlorophyll Elevates the iron levels Chlorophyllin, a modified form of […]

8 Unexpected Benefits of Sauna That Will Impress You

The sauna culture in Finland is one of the most established and recognized throughout the world. Regardless of where it might have originated, going to the sauna has become widespread nowadays and this is in major part because of the health benefits it offers. Saunas are small rooms or houses […]