Did you know that sitting under a specific type of light can help you overcome certain health issues? That light is the red light. Red light therapy is a photomedicine method that uses a variety of wavelengths to alleviate a long list of health problems. As explained by the National […]
Healthy Tips
On the Watch Out: 5 Tea Brands with High Levels of Pesticides + Healthier Alternatives
Tea is abundant in nutrients and is praised for its abundance of health advantages. In fact, tea is the most commonly consumed drink in the world after water. But, not every tea is made in the same way. Unfortunately, some brands of tea contain a lot of pesticides like glyphosate. […]
Reversing Metabolic Disease: Natural Remedies for Insulin Resistance, Belly Fat, and Hormone Disruptors
Did you know that more than two-thirds of American citizens are overweight and 50 percent are obese? This data is a sign that we’re living in an era of metabolic syndrome epidemic. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that involve hypertension, insulin resistance, a high waist-to-hip ratio, and dyslipidemia […]
Topical Black Seed Oil Application Beats Tylenol in Relieving Osteoarthritis Pain
This essential study shows that not even Tylenol is able to compete with the powerful healing properties of black seed oil that’s topically applied. It can help alleviate symptoms of one of the most common pain issues today, i.e., pain caused by osteoarthritis. And, this is excellent news if we […]
Boost Your Brain Function & Better Your Blood Flow with this Fruit Extract
Research shows that making simple dietary changes helps reduce memory issues in middle-aged and older adults. In the study named Pomegranate juice augments memory and FMRI activity in middle-aged and older adults with mild memory complaints, 32 subjects who reported memory problems were randomly assigned to consume 8 ounces of […]
Consumer Alert: The Deadly Reason Why Tylenol Should Be Removed from the Market
Tylenol is the trademarked form of the medication we commonly know as paracetamol or acetaminophen. This is one of the most frequently consumed painkillers in the US nowadays, but also the most destructive one! Did you know that almost 500 individuals die whereas 30,000 end up in the hospital on […]
This Herbal Cream Cleared 87.7% of HPV Cases Naturally
Although there’s a widespread belief that HPV infections can only be fought with vaccines, there’s a lot of wisdom to be found in ancient herbal medicine. In fact, in a study published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention named Clearance of Cervical Human Papillomavirus Infection by Topical Application […]
Home Remedies to Soothe Gastritis
Gastritis is unpleasant and painful. It’s the inflammation of the stomach lining and in a lot of cases, the sufferers need proper medical therapy to alleviate the symptoms. However, many sufferers claim that some lifestyle and home remedies may be of aid, for example, green tea with manuka honey and […]
A Plant-Based Diet: Reverses Heart Illness, Obesity & Diabetes
Could a low-fat plant-based diet like a vegetarian or a vegan one help reverse coronary heart illness and if this is the case, should we all follow this type of nutrition? According to BHF dietitian Victoria Taylor, the concept of a low-fat plant-based diet has been present for more than […]
How to Get Rid of Stinky Feet?- 6 Natural Ways
Stinky feet are embarrassing, that’s a no-brainer. But, a lot of people with this problem are curious about the reason for the unpleasant odor coming from their feet and how to get rid of the smell for good. Though all of us sometimes experience smelly feet or damp feet, for […]