Healthy Tips

25 Awesome Tricks for a Beautiful Life

25 Awesome TIPS for a Beautiful Life

Sometimes, we feel as if we need to do more or be more in order to feel happier and lead a more beautiful life. However, sometimes, it is the small things that matter and that can make an actual change. This is why in today’s article; we will share 25 […]

Vitamin D Protects Against Colds and Flu, Study Confirms

Japanese doctors claim that the risk of flu in children can be lowered by 50 percent if they take vitamin D supplements on a regular basis. Under normal conditions, our bodies can naturally produce vitamin D through our exposure to direct sunlight. Vitamin D can be more powerful than anti-viral […]

How to Grow Your Own Lemon Tree From Seed

How to Grow Your Own Lemon Tree From Seed

According to 1 Million Women, when life gives you lemons, make trees! So, the next time you are using a lemon to prepare lemonade or to sprinkle it on top of some meal, do not throw away the seeds, but keep them. You can use them to grow your own […]