Healthy Tips

Selfies Linked to Mental Disorders

Selfie Addiction Is A Sign Of Mental Health Disorder

With the increase of the popularity of selfies, a lot of scientists have been doing different research and according to some of them, taking selfies may be associated with several mental health problems. Namely, Dr. David Veale, a psychiatrist, asserts that 2 out of 3 people with BDD (Body Dysmorphic […]

Mango Sorbet with Banana & Pineapple; Vegan

Mango Sorbet with Banana & Pineapple; Vegan

Are you a fan of sorbet? Are you in need of a new, inspiring recipe for sorbet that is vegan, healthy, and free of artificial sugar? No worries, Emily von Euw from One Green Planet has to offer the ideal mango sorbet with banana and pineapple recipe with all readers! […]

Sticky Peanut Cauliflower Wings (Vegan)

Sticky Peanut Cauliflower Wings (Vegan)

Laura Hemmington from One Green Planet describes these cauliflower wings as spiced, salty, sticky, and completely addictive and we definitely agree! This versatile peanut cauliflower recipe can be used as a side dish, but it also makes the ideal main meal for vegans and vegetarians. Once you serve it, it […]

5 Recipes with Fatty Acids to Boost Your Immune System

5 Recipes with Fatty Acids to Boost Your Immune System

According to One Green Planet, if you want to preserve your optimal health, you need a strong immunity that will keep you safe from viruses, bacteria, and infections. In addition to getting sufficient sleep and rest and managing stress, you also need to supply your body with the adequate nutrients […]

Here Is Why Fermented Foods Are Important for Gut Health

Here Is Why Fermented Foods Are Important for Gut Health

As explained on One Green Planet, fermentation is a process that helps preserve food and has been commonly used throughout history. This is one of the easiest ways to prolong the duration of fruits and veggies and to strengthen the flavour of the specific food and of course, fermented foods […]