Green School International is a school with a new approach to learning-there, traditional subjects are available, but their program is also focused on holistic practical learning. The goal of this school is to help students learn the right way and the environment is also designed to help them achieve this. […]
Healthy Tips
Awesome Reasons to Stop Throwing Away Pickle Juice
Most of us think that pickle juice is only used to maintain the pickles fresh and tasty. So, when the pickles are gone, we also discard the juice. But, this practice often makes others cringe because this juice has so many amazing benefits to offer. From using it in the […]
How to Make Coconut Kefir Water: Reduces Sugar Cravings & Detoxifies the Liver
Sugar cravings can be hard to manage-a lot of sugar can also make our skin lose its glow, the one you had in your youth. It’s not uncommon to notice different facial changes after the age of 30, including brown spots, even in people with a clearer skin. Healthy diet […]
Vitamin D Supplement May Help Decrease the Risk of Cancer
For a long period of time, researchers have been focused on finding the link between cancer and vitamin D. Namely, according to epidemiological studies, people who live near the equator, where the exposure to the sun helps them produce more vitamin D; have a lower incidence of death from some […]
Act Timely: NEVER Ignore these Warning Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency
If we want to stay healthy, we need to ensure we’re getting enough vitamin B12. This vitamin does a lot for us and participates in the DNA and red blood cell production. However, as the body is unable to produce it on its own, we need to get it from […]
Purple Potatoes: 5 Amazing Reasons to Start Eating Them Today
Without doubt, purple potatoes are considered the gem at the potato aisle. Like many other of its relatives, they’re native to the Andes Mountains in South America. Their outer skin is blue-purple to almost black. And, the inside flesh has an impressive purple color, even after it’s cooked. Some of […]
5 Surprising Health Benefits of Probiotics
Nowadays, we hear so much about probiotics and that they’re good for us, but do we know why? Probiotics are actually live microorganisms which can be acquired through certain foods or supplements. A rising number of studies indicate that the bacterial imbalance in our digestive system is associated with our […]
The Amazing Garlic Milk: Our Grandmas’ Home Remedy that Relieves Inflammation & Viruses
Although it might sound like something you would never try, garlic milk seems to be the new healing drink that nutritionists swear by. It’s claimed to help with a long list of health problems, including asthma, high cholesterol, inflammation, and more. It’s a drink abundant in some stunning nutrients such […]
White Snow Soup: The Popular Remedy in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Snow fungus or white fungus is a wild, edible mushroom which naturally grows on tree branches and bark, particularly on trees with broad leaves. For centuries, it’s been part of traditional Chinese medicine. Nowadays, more and more people are learning about its immense healing potential, mostly its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant […]
Say Goodbye to Yellow Teeth with these 5 Natural Whiteners
Experiencing changes in the color of our teeth may be gradual while in others, it may be inevitable. And, as we age, our teeth tend to go darker or yellower. With the outer enamel wearing off, it reveals more of the yellowy dentin underneath. This is the second layer of […]