Have you ever dealt with swollen legs after standing or sitting for several hours? This swelling causes your legs to feel heavy and a constant pressure. The uncomfortable feeling isn’t the only problem: the pain is also a major issue. Inflamed and heavy legs are also painful. The reasons for […]
Healthy Tips
Avoid These 5 Drinks: They Deplete Magnesium & Calcium from Your Body
Without a doubt, magnesium and calcium are two of the essential minerals for the health of the human body. Magnesium participates in more than 300 enzymatic reactions and it’s crucial for the control of blood sugar levels, muscle and nerve function, the regulation of blood pressure, strong immunity, and more. […]
Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease and Strokes by 25% by Adding This Essential Fatty Oil to Your Diet
Heart disease and strokes remain on the list of leading causes of death globally. Unfortunately, these health problems end millions of lives on a yearly basis. One of the major contributing factors to these diseases is atherosclerosis. This buildup of arterial plaque is associated with inflammation, high cholesterol, and calcification. […]
If You Suddenly Feel Nauseous after Eating, It Could Be Gastritis; Use These Oils to Heal the Gut
If you’re nauseous after a meal and you’ve been struggling with this problem for a while, it may be due to gastritis. This condition is caused by inflammation of the stomach lining and it could be a result of an infection, bile reflux, an autoimmune disorder, excessive consumption of alcohol, […]
A Blood Clot Can Lead to a Heart Attack, Thrombosis, or a Stroke: Here Are 7 Powerful Blood Thinning Foods You Need
Blood thinner meds have contributed to a significant reduction of blood clot formation, that’s for sure. They reduce coagulation and lower the risk of blood clotting. These meds are known as antiplatelets and anticoagulants. Even though blood thinners don’t really change or thin out the blood’s viscosity, they can avert […]
Avoid This Popular Clothing Material: It’s Releasing Microplastics into Your Blood when It Touches Your Skin
Your favorite workout clothes or your cozy fleece jacket may be poisoning your body with microplastics. A lot of synthetic fabrics commonly used for clothes like nylon, acrylic, polyester, and spandex release small plastic microfibers into the water supply when they’re washed. Microplastics enter into the food chain and the […]
12 Science-Backed Natural Adaptogens Your Body Needs to Convert Stress & Anxiety into Positive Energy
Adaptogens are substances that can lower the negative effects that stress has on our bodies. They may better the resistance of the body to stress and provide numerous other health benefits. Adaptogen as a term was first used back in the 40s as a description of some plant-based extracts that […]
Ear Infection Season Is Upon Us: 5 Natural Ways to Treat & Prevent Them All Year Long
With the weather going colder, a lot of us begin to struggle with ear infections. Winter months are known to increase the risk of ear infections that aren’t just unpleasant, but also painful. And, they can affect both adults and children. As we begin to spend more time indoors than […]
Disgusting Reasons Why You Really Do Need to Close the Toilet Seat
The average individual flushes the toilet five or more times per day; however, it seems that most of us are doing it wrong. One of the most common mistakes is not closing the lid when we’re done using the toilet. Closing the toilet is necessary because when we pull the […]
How to Remove 5 to 14 Pounds of Toxic Waste from Your Colon
A colon cleanse is a practice done to remove waste from the large intestine. Also known as colon irrigation, it dates back to ancient times in Greece. It became popular in the West in the early 1900s. Nowadays, colon cleanses are performed using specific enzymes, teas, or colon irrigation. But, […]