Life Hacks

Swimming Pools Made from Shipping Containers

With quarantine and lockdown still being active in a lot of countries worldwide, people are becoming more and more creative and coming up with unique and interesting innovations for their homes and yards. We covered up some of the most interesting ones like the we-sheds and the wine cellar from […]

We Don’t Have to Agree on Everything to Be Friends

Did you know that there’s an International Day of Friendship which is celebrated on the 30th of July? It’s a celebratory day created by the UN and the goal is promote the importance of friendship in cultures worldwide. To this extent, the UN encourages groups, governments, and organizations to make […]

How to Make Homemade Disinfecting Wipes to Wipe Away the Germs

Did you know that store-bought cleaning wipes can contain chemical ingredients? One such ingredient is bleach which is known to have several side effects. With this in mind, it’s good to know that you can avoid these products and make your all-natural homemade disinfectant wipes. The procedure is so simple […]

Those Who Hurt Others to Feel Stronger Are the Weakest People

People who bully others do it to feel stronger, powerful, in control. In schools, we see children bullying other children because they’re struggling with poor self-esteem. Through bullying others, they feel powerful and make others feel small and hurt them. This false sense of power fades away soon and they […]