Plants & Herbs

Farmer Plants 2 Million Sunflowers to Make People Smile

Farmer Plants 2 Million Sunflowers to Make People Smile

This farmer from Wisconsin found the perfect way to make people smile during this difficult year-at least he hopes to achieve this with these 2 million planted sunflowers. Scott Thompson is a 4th generation berry farmer and said how it was his wife’s idea to add sunshine blooms on their […]

How to Make Crispy Garlic-Roasted Autumn Veggies

Autumn is here and it means there’s plenty of veggie variety we can choose from and prep some delicious meals. You can use the numerous autumn veggies to mix up your side dish, to make mouthwatering combo with rib stews, and combine some delicious and warming soups for those chilly […]

Alleviate Fibromyalgia Symptoms with these DIY CBD Bath Bombs

With the legalization of medical and recreational cannabis happening in different parts of the world, CBD seems to be the trendiest wellness product nowadays. CBD, an acronym of cannabidiol, is a naturally-occurring compound that’s acquired from the marijuana plant. CBD is nowadays praised for its numerous health benefits, including the […]

Could Hemp Toilet Paper Save the World?

Commercially grown hemp is so versatile, eco-friendly, and sustainable. There’s no need for fertilizers or pesticides to grow it and it can be collected in as little as 70 days. The plant also requires minimal watering and is able to help the soil by encouraging its renewal. Hemp fibers are […]