Natural remedies are made from natural ingredients only and are not the same as the ones produced in a laboratory. And, they are less toxic and therefore, much better for the body. A lot of over-the-counter meds have been linked with negative impact on the kidneys, digestion, and liver. Though […]
Plants & Herbs
Ashwagandha: The Ancient Indian Superherb That Rejuvenates Your Body and Brain From the Inside Out
Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng or winter cherry, can do wonders for your overall health, according to Conscious Lifestyle Mag. It is suitable for different systems in the body and it has been used in Ayurveda for more than 4000 years. In India, many consider it to be the […]
Organic Hemp Milk Relieves Stress, Anxiety, Pain And Insomnia
In the past, milk and honey drink was the key to healthy sleep; however, these days, people are using a different mixture to better their sleep, i.e. a drink known as Relax and sold by a raw food café in London, Rawligion. This drink is also believed to alleviate pain, […]
10 Natural Antibiotics That Our Ancestors Used Instead Of Pills
As noted on Complete Health and Happiness, in the last decades, antibiotics have reached its peaks in terms of usage. As a result, there has been a development of drug-resistant bacteria and so-called superbugs which are known to grow fast and scientists cannot yet determine how to fight them off. […]
5 Reasons Why This Little Weed Is One Of Nature’s Most Powerful Medicines
Plaintain is a common weed which is frequently seen growing in lawns, gardens, and even in driveway cracks. Though your first thought of this plant is to pick it up and throw it away, you should know that this is a potent plant with some pretty amazing healing properties, according […]
10 Medicinal Plants Native Americans Used To Cure Everything
As you may already know, the Cherokees are people who are indigenous to the southeast U.S. According to the tribe, the Creator has gifted them with an understanding and preservation of herbs. They believe in the preventative and healing abilities of nature and its goods. As numerous plants have gone […]
How To Make A Bee Waterer To Help Hydrate Our Pollinators
Bees are without doubt the hardest workers and they visit at least 2000 flowers on a daily basis and their small wings beat up to 10,000 times per 60 seconds. Wow, amazing! They are carrying pollen and are helping us with our food supply so we should also help them […]
Kombucha Tea – 7 Health Benefits of This Miraculous Beverage
Do you want to preserve and improve your health? You need a stronger immune system, trying to relieve the problems with indigestion and you want to feel more vital and full with energy? The answer for all those health problems is hidden in kombucha. It is a fungus from which […]
12 Reasons why You Should Grow Mint at Home & How to Do It
Mint is an herb known for its strong smell and a refreshing and pleasant taste. It also possesses cooling properties and it is therefore added to a lot of cosmetics like mouthwashes, toothpastes, ointments, and more. It is also included into a variety of meals with the goal to enhance […]
10 Warning Signs Your Body Is Full Of Parasites And 7 Foods To Kill Them
According to Healthy Holistic Living, around one third of American citizens suffer from parasites in their digestive system. Though you may be skeptical at first, parasites are more common than you know. This is why there are a lot of people who have parasites, but have no clue! When not […]