According to Learning Mind, anxiety is a mental health problem which can arise from abusive behavior and traumatic experiences as well as verbal abuse. Verbal abuse is demeaning and disrespectful. It refers to being called names, being yelled at because another person is upset, etc. Even though a lot of […]
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Dear Alcohol, Thanks for Ruining Everything
Unfortunately, alcohol is the main culprit for the destruction of numerous lives and it is considered by many to be a sneaky demon which greets you with a smile and then stabs you in the back. If alcohol has also impacted your life negatively or if it still does, spare […]
Scientists Confirm: Dogs Can really Sense “Bad People”
A study published in the journal Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, scientists have confirmed that dogs do have the capacity to recognize “bad people”. The study was based on several experiments done with dogs and their owners and there was strong proof that dogs are capable of making a difference between […]
5 Reasons Why You Need To Stop Using Your Phone In Bed At Night
Nowadays, we live in a world where smartphones are considered to be a normal part of our lives and a lot of people also use them in bed. Before they fall asleep, they scroll through their social media or respond to their emails from work. And, they consider this to […]
I Saved a Bunch of Money from Going to the Dentist’s Office after I Started Applying this Recipe for Tartar
Even though visits to the dentist’s office are not our favourite thing to do, we have to go from time to time, whether it is to fix a broken tooth, to remove surplus plaque or too much tartar, resolve gum problems, etc. And, we often spend a small fortune on […]
This Is why the Older You Get, the more You Hate Everyone & Why this Is Okay
For a lot of adults, not having a lot of friends is not a new thing, as explained on King Demic. What’s more, they become closer with their family members and siblings may be their only good friends. Other than them, they are not very fond of others. But, this […]
Neuroscientists Warn Women to Pay Close Attention to How much they Sleep
Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who are unaware of the benefits of sleep for the overall health, according to King Demic. Namely, sleep is pivotal because it gives time to the body and brain to recuperate and rejuvenate from the day and to maintain the organs in good […]
10 Reasons Why Sweet Potatoes Are Beneficial for You
Even though sweet potatoes are very similar to regular potatoes, they have a distinct taste, come from a different family, are sweet, and their appearance is not the same. The most common types of sweet potatoes are the ones with yellow-orange color and a white flesh. Interestingly, in Japan, their flesh […]
Science Explains what Happens to Your Body when You Eat Oatmeal every Day
Without doubt, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and when you eat a healthy breakfast, you supply the body with the needed energy for the rest of the day. This is especially the case if you eat oatmeal, a super healthy grain which is abundant in crucial […]
People over 40 Should only Work 3 Days a Week, Study Says
Truth be told, almost all of us dislike the five-day work week. According to Travel and Leisure, if you need a reason to work less, science is here to back you up, but only if you are older than 40. Namely, a report from the Melbourne Institute Worker Paper points […]