One dog transport company, Daisybrook International Pet Transport, is helping feed the hungry dogs in war-torn Ukraine and they’ve already collected 11,000 pounds of dog food. They collect dog food donations from the UK and have received 300 bags of it. The company in Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire has already delivered 190 […]
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Vin Diesel Walks Paul Walker’s Daughter down the Aisle at Her Wedding
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Gas Station Lowers Price to $2.25 to Give the Community a Break at the Pump Station
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Study Links Meditation with Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
According to a study from 2020 published in the American Journal of Cardiology, meditation may offer stunning benefits for your cardiovascular health by lowering a person’s risk of heart disease. The research team used data from a national survey which is done annually by the CDC and identified all of […]
Alcohol-Free Bar in Texas Fuels the Growing ‘Sober-Curious’ Movement
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97-Year-Old Granny in Singapore Keeps Selling Fruits & Here’s Why
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Ukrainian Woman Fleeing from the War Captured Carrying Her Senior Dog Who Struggled Walking
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“Exciting” Head-Tongue Controller Allows Paralyzed Patients to Use Smartphones & Drive Wheelchairs
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Chicago Businessman Gives Away $1 Million in Free Gas
The Chicago millionaire businessman and ex-candidate for mayor Willie Wilson will donate $1 million in free gas next week. This decision comes after his free gas giveaway Thursday snarled traffic throughout the city but managed to provide $200,000 fillups. Wilson has owned and managed various McDonald’s franchises and is the […]
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Found Beneficial for People with Depression by Promoting Self Kindness
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