Tag: abdominal ache

7 Types of Pain You Should never Ignore

7 Types Of Pain You Should Never Ignore

According to Ba Bamail, physical pain is considered to be a part of our everyday lives and we can experience it as a result of an injury, disease, or exercising. And, there is a lot of physical pain that may be explained without going to the doctor’s, but when we […]

6 Signs Your Appendix Is about to Burst

6 Signs Your Appendix Is about to Burst

Appendicitis happens when the worm-shaped pouch which is attached to the large intestine (appendix), becomes inflamed. This is a life-threatening condition if the inflammation is left untreated and the appendix bursts as a result. If it bursts or perforates, the appendix will leak infectious waste into the abdomen and trigger […]

6 Major Warning Signs Your Body Gives before a Heart Attack

6 Major Warning Signs Your Body Gives before a Heart Attack

Without doubt, preventing a problem is better than curing it and this applies to any illness and is especially important when the symptoms are not adequately acknowledged. Hence, as seen on Bright Side, there are specific symptoms that may happen a month or earlier before a heart attack and being […]