Tag: antioxidants

Ginger & Lemon: the Perfect Combination for Weight Loss

Ginger & Lemon: the Perfect Combination for Weight Loss

Although it can be quite the challenging process, weight loss does not necessarily have to be difficult and unachievable. According to King Demic, if you are in search for weight loss methods that actually work, you have come to the right place. In today’s article, we will present a combination […]

10 Foods that Can Naturally Unclog Arteries

10 Foods That Unclog Arteries Naturally

When the arteries become filled with arterial plaque, they clog and the brain, heart, lungs, and muscles, as well as other important organs, cannot function 100 percent. Namely, clogged arteries avert the blood vessels from transporting the necessary oxygen and nutrients from the heart to the other body parts. If […]

This Drink Will Help Your Stomach Fat to Disappear

This Drink Will Help Your Stomach Fat to Disappear

With certainty, no one likes having a prominent belly and we therefore try out all kinds of diets, natural remedies, drinks, etc. to try and shrink it and look and feel better. If you are also searching for a belly-shrinking method that will actually work this time, you should look […]

Matcha Green Tea May Inhibit Cancer Growth, a Study Finds

Matcha Green Tea May Inhibit Cancer Growth, a Study Finds

As explained on One Green Planet, a recent study done at the Unversity of Salford, UK, suggests that Matcha green tea may be a viable tool against cancer due to its potent anti-cancer characteristics. For the purposes of the study, the researchers used an estrogen receptive, human breast cancer cell […]

8 Reasons to Use Coconut Oil on the Daily

8 Reasons to Use Coconut Oil on the Daily

According to Coconut Magic, coconut oil is believed by many to be one of the healthiest and most versatile oils out there. Native tropical cultures that follow coconut-rich diets consider their healthy hearts, youthful skin, voluminous hair, strong immune system, and good dental health to be a result of their […]

Top 7 Herbs to Cure Your Liver

Top 7 Herbs to Cure Your Liver

As noted on All Ayurveda, the liver is one of the most important organs in the body because of its numerous functions, including the filtration of toxins and chemicals from the body, as well as metabolism regulation, proper storing of nutrients, a strong immune system, and optimal digestive processes. An […]