Tag: gardening tips

10 Incredible Seeds to Sow for Food in less than a Month

10 Incredible Seeds to Sow for Food in less than a Month

Gardening is a combo of plenty of patience and time. To create the garden we’ve imagined, these are the key ingredients. But, there are gardeners who’re impatient and would like to see at least some result ASAP. With this in mind, if you’re looking for a quick harvest, there are […]

5 Awesome Veggies You can Easily Grow in Containers

5 Awesome Veggies You can Easily Grow in Containers

You don’t always need a garden patch to grow awesome veggies. In fact, you just need containers to grow these 5. Container gardening is increasingly popular, mostly because it lowers the issues caused by critters and weather. And, it also has a lot of advantages to offer and it’s great […]

10 Amazing Uses of Coffee for Worry-Free Gardening

10 Amazing Uses of Coffee for Worry-Free Gardening

If you’re enjoying a cup of coffee every day, you actually have a stunning organic matter for your garden. Believe it or not, your coffee grounds can make gardens happier and thriving and it’s not just because it gives you energy to prune and weed, but because you can put […]

Amazing Uses of Gelatin in the Garden for Thriving Plants

Amazing Uses of Gelatin in the Garden for Thriving Plants

Are you struggling with houseplants that have splotchy and yellowing leaves or with indoor seedlings that have grown pale green?-Probably, this happened because of nitrogen deficiency. But, don’t worry. You can easily rejuvenate them and supply them with the needed amounts of this pivotal nutrient with a pack of unflavored […]

How to Grow St John’s Wort at Home

How to Grow St John’s Wort at Home

In its native Europe, St John’s wort was highly appreciated for its healing properties that the settlers actually took it with them in the New World. The name comes from the fact that the flowers were traditionally harvested on the Catholic Saint’s Day in honor of the nativity of St […]

How to Plant & Grow Corn in Containers at Home

How to Plant & Grow Corn in Containers at Home

If you have good soil, a proper container, and a sunny location, you have all you need to grow your own supply of corn. Although you’ll get fewer yields than if you would grow it in a large garden, it’s still amazing to have fresh and organic corn of your […]

How to Grow Delicious Cauliflower in Pots at Home

How to Grow Delicious Cauliflower in Pots at Home

Nowadays, cauliflower is more popular than ever before-whether to prep delicious soups, roast it or use it for cauliflower pizza, it’s an inevitable part of many people’s diets. The good news for cauliflower lovers is that you can also grow endless supplies of it in your home in a pot. […]