5 Reasons Dehydration Is Making You Sick And Fat

The negative effects of not drinking sufficient amounts of water, as explained on The Mind Unleashed, include problems with the skin, kidneys, and bladder, tiredness, and headaches. Hence, it is high time that people realize how vital is to drink enough water throughout the day. With certainty, water is important for our health and well-being as the air we breathe. Let us learn more about dehydration and its negative impacts.

Why You Need to Up Your Water Intake

According to Healthy Holistic Living, when you feel thirsty, it actually means that you are already dehydrated. Therefore, the best solution is to drink water throughout the whole day to prevent thirst and dehydration. When you wake up in the morning, drink two glasses of water right away to better the blood pressure; this is a far better solution than starting your morning with a cup of coffee prior to breakfast.

It is also crucial to point out that juices, tea, soda drinks, etc. are not a replacement for water and they can actually have an adverse effect on your body. Since a lot of them contain sugar and salt, the body will waste its much-needed water supplies just to expel these substances from the body. When you regularly consume water, your metabolism will work better and you will prevent overeating because water will maintain your satiety. What’s more, drinking water is one of the healthiest and safest methods to encourage healthy and balanced weight loss.

Extra tip:

When drinking coffee, remember to also drink a glass of water with it.

How Is Dehydration Making You Gain Weight & Sick

  1. Dehydration elevates your tiredness

Water is a pivotal energy source in the body so when the body lacks sufficient amounts of it, the enzymatic activity in the body slows down and makes you feel tired.

  1. Dehydration misbalances your blood pressure

In normal conditions, i.e. when the body is properly hydrated, the blood is around 92 percent water. Therefore, when you are lacking water, the blood thickens and this impedes the proper blood flow which further increases the blood pressure.

  1. Dehydration encourages constipation

When the body does not have enough water, it starts to take water from the colon first so that it can satisfy the fluid need of other important bodily functions. The lack of sufficient water causes the waste going through the large intestines to slow down or to not move at all and thus, causes irregular bowel movements and constipation.

  1. Dehydration causes weight gain

When there is not enough water in the body, the cells do not have the needed energy to keep you going. And, since the brain cannot make a difference between thirst and hunger, you may actually end up overeating when your body was just signaling you to drink a glass of water. As a result of the overeating, you may increase your weight.

  1. Dehydration messes with the health of your kidneys and bladder

When the body lacks water for adequate detoxification processes, toxins and acid waste begin to pile up in the body and thus, create the perfect surrounding for bad bacteria; this consequently increases the risk of infection, pain, and inflammation in the kidneys and bladder.
