Drinking this Tea Every Morning Will Elevate the Alkalinity in Your Body

If you begin your mornings with this exceptionally healthy and potent detox tea, believe us, you will help your body remove toxins, speed up the metabolism, strengthen the immunity, and restore its pH balance. Wow, amazing, right?!

According to Get Holistic Health, this tea is simple to make and it requires only a couple of ingredients that are easily affordable, yet possess strong healing properties! This being said, you should definitely continue reading the article to learn how to make the tea. Then, learn more about the ingredients in the benefit section below!

Ginger & Turmeric Total Detox Tea

You will need:

1 ¾ cups of water

One-inch ginger, peeled and sliced

A tsp of turmeric, ground

1/3 tsp of cinnamon

½ tsp of cayenne

A spoon of honey, raw

2 drops of lemon essential oil

Preparation: Boil the water first and transfer it into a mug. Add the ginger and leave it like that for couple of minutes. Then, add the remaining ingredients and stir everything together. Drink while warm. Enjoy!

Use: Consume a cup of the tea in the morning, prior to breakfast.

The Health Advantages of the Ingredients

  • Lemon essential oil will better the health of the liver and kidneys and strengthen the immunity; even though lemons have an acidic taste, they are alkaline and will help the body restore its alkalinity and pH balance; they are also abundant in vitamin C and numerous other important nutrients
  • Cayenne pepper has an ingredient known as capsaicin that is known to lower inflammation in the body; it will also better the blood flow and supply the tissues with the necessary nutrients for healing
  • Ginger will better the perspiration and remove the toxins from our body and also strengthen the immunity; it is also well-known and commonly used for its anti-inflammatory power
  • Turmeric will help your body boost its antioxidant power and decrease your risk of brain illnesses
  • Honey is an ideal food for a better digestion and it will also supply your body with the much needed phytonutrients and fight off bacterial and fungal infections
  • Cinnamon will improve your blood sugar and lower your risk of heart illnesses; it is also able to prevent oxidative damage and reduce inflammation

Before heading out, do not forget to check out the video shown below to learn more about this amazing healing tea:
