Fight Off Inflammation And Boost Your Overall Health With This Homemade Turmeric Tonic

Did you know that turmeric makes an excellent natural remedy in addition to making your meals and drinks more delicious? Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, turmeric needs to be a part of everyone’s diet. Turmeric has a peppery and earthy taste and it goes great when combined with its cousin ginger.

When talking about turmeric and its abundance of healing properties, one cannot but mention the elixirs and tonics made with it. They do not just taste great, but can better the overall health. Amazing, right?

The tonic we are going to present in today’s article makes the ideal natural energy drink too- it is refreshing and boosts the energy levels without poisoning your body.

Continue reading the article to learn how to prepare this healthy tonic in a couple of easy steps and with affordable ingredients and improve your overall health and fight off inflammation.

DIY Turmeric Tonic Recipe

You will need:

2 tbsp of fresh turmeric, grated

A tbsp of fresh ginger, grated

2 cups of water

A cardamom pod

¼ cup of honey, raw and organic

A tbsp of dried chamomile flowers

One lemon

Coconut water or sparkling water

Preparation: Peel the turmeric and ginger first and transfer it in a sauce pot. Next, remove the seeds from the cardamom pod and add them into the pot. Pour in the water and simmer everything together for 10 minutes.

In the meantime, mix the honey and chamomile in another pot. Bring it to heat to warm it up. When ready, remove both pots from the heat. Strain them with cheesecloth and leave them aside to cool down. Transfer in proper containers for up to a week.

To make one serving, mix 1/3 of the turmeric and ginger elixir, ½ tbsp of the chamomile flowers, 2 tbsp of honey, juice from half a lemon, and a bit of coconut or sparkling water. Enjoy!

Why Is Turmeric so Powerful?

Thanks to its active ingredient known as curcumin, you will benefit from this plant in the following way:

  • Possesses antiseptic and antibacterial properties
  • It can avert prostate cancer when mixed with cauliflower
  • It may lower the risk of melanoma
  • Cleanses the liver of toxins naturally
  • Averts and slows down Alzheimer’s
  • Boosts the metabolism of fat and balances the weight
  • Beneficial natural remedy in Chinese medicine for depression
