Women Are Going Crazy about it: Homemade Coffee Scrub that Removes Cellulite

Believe it or not, cellulite is a problem in around 80 to 90 percent of all women? Consequently, one of the most googled questions on google is how to lower it. However, getting rid of cellulite is not so easy and straightforward as it is a rather complex skin problem with several causes which require the adequate treatment.

Before we head out to show you one of the most popular anti-cellulite remedies currently, let us learn more about the common causes of cellulite.

What Are the Major Causes of Cellulite?

  • Subcutaneous fat in the dermal skin layer
  • Low blood flow and consequently, low collagen production
  • Low lymphatic drainage due to tight clothes
  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Ethnicity
  • Type of diet
  • Level of activity
  • Gender

Experts claim that in order to effectively fight off cellulite, you need to boost the collagen production, lower the amount of fat, and better the blood flow. This being said, there is a wide array of DIY cures that in combination with a healthy diet and workout, as well as with scrubs and dry brushing, can help you reduce cellulite.

When it comes to scrubs, in today’s article, we will present a recipe for a coffee and sugar scrub that women have been using to treat cellulite and swear by it!

Homemade Coffee Scrub for Cellulite

You will need:

A cup of coffee grounds

½ cup of coconut oil

2/3 cup of coarse sugar

4 drops of cinnamon oil or less for those with sensitive skin

8 drops of vanilla oil or a tsp of cooking vanilla

Preparation: In a bowl, mix the coconut oil, coffee grounds, sugar, and oils. Once everything is mixed together, transfer it in a reusable container. Opt for quality plastic or glass. You can store it up to a year in the fridge.

Use: while in the shower, massage the scrub into the affected areas. Massage vigorously, but carefully. Make sure you avoid bleeding or skin breaking. Once you are done with the massage, rinse and towel dry. Afterwards, apply a natural moisturizer. Repeat weekly.
