According to Your Weight, this Is How much Water You Need to Drink

Are you struggling with poor metabolism or digestive issues? You may need to boost your water intake! How much water you drink plays a pivotal role in your overall health and weight loss.

For people who are well hydrated and get sufficient amount of water, increasing the intake will probably not make a major difference. In those that are poorly hydrated, water may be of great aid.

Water Will Boost Your Metabolic Rare

Since water participates in every cellular process in our bodies, dehydration will diminish the efficiency of the cells, including the metabolism. So, your body needs enough water to optimize its functioning.

Our metabolic rate is actually a combination of several chemical reactions. Water is what will enable a smooth action of these reactions. Believe it or not, even 1 percent dehydration can lead to a major drop in your metabolism.

Water Helps Us Eat Less

Did you know that our body cannot clearly tell the difference between thirst and hunger? Hence, when you feel that you are hungry, you may just be needing water. So, before you reach for a meal, drink a glass of water.

Also, opt for a glass of water prior to meals to prevent overeating and to prolong the feeling of satiety.

Water Improves Our Digestion

When there is enough water in your body, your body can digest food adequately. The kidneys will work better and filter the bad things and prevent constipation. This is why we often see constipation in poorly hydrated individuals.

Moreover, kidney stones are often triggered by dehydration. Namely, when there is not enough water, calcium and other minerals collect in the urine and the body cannot easily filter them out. Consequently, they will form the crystals which we know as kidney and urinary stones.

How much Water Does One Need?

In the past, it was thought that one size fits all, that is, everyone should opt for 8, 8-oz. glasses of water per day.

But, things have changed in recent times, according to experts. The amount of water a person needs depends on their weight and size, as well as on their level of activity and place of living.

Generally speaking, one should consume between ½ an ounce and an ounce of water per pound of weight. To illustrate, if a person has 150 pounds, he/she needs 75 to 150 ounces of water on a daily basis.

For those in a hot climate and who work out actively, the range would be higher. For those in colder climates and who lead a mostly sedentary lifestyle, less would suffice.
